"I saw the owners of shops and restaurants who are heading for the World Cup, I was afraid to do something like my limited possibilities, I only found falafel, was a good choice."

This is how the Egyptian Mohamed Ali opened his interview to the Anatolian correspondent, standing in front of his small restaurant near Moscow's famous market Ismailovo sipping tea in a break.

Mohammed says he came from Egypt to Moscow four years ago and started working in a number of shops and restaurants. After two years, he managed to open his own business, a small, modest restaurant of not more than 10 meters.

He added that the work in the preparation and sale of shawarma was good, but it only makes a living after the removal of the cost of rent the restaurant and supplies and bills of electricity, water, gas and others.

He pointed out that with the approach of the World Cup and the preparation of all events to receive the danger of Bhalh to establish his own activity, he concluded the work of falafel months popular meal in his country Egypt and a number of Arab countries.

Vegetarians or those who do not want to eat meat from Falafel customers with Mohammed Ali (Anatolia)

The secret of the mixture
Ali said that he contacted his mother in Egypt and used a Syrian friend who works in a restaurant in Moscow to learn how to prepare the falafel mixture. He combined the two Egyptian methods, which are based on beans and Syrian falafel, which is based on chickpeas and came out in its own mixture.

"The test was to prepare a kilo of the mixture and oil it, and then distributed hot falafel tablets to my neighbors and passers-by for free to try it, the reactions were more than promising, which led me to add falafel to the list of foods I offer."

He pointed out that after putting posters and pictures on the front of the shop in the presence of falafel and in several languages ​​this was particularly popular among Arab fans, who came to Russia to attend the World Cup, as well as Russians who like to try the new or tasted in a previous visit to an Arab country.

He added that it was very acceptable to take about 8-9 kg of mix daily to make sandwiches or sell discs alone, to excel sales of falafel sales of shawarma, although it is a little more expensive because the ingredients are more expensive than chicken meat in Russia.

He pointed out that the customers of falafel also has the category of vegetarians or those who do not want to eat meat, as they, especially Muslims, are keen on halal food and meat is known source and method of slaughter, so they accept to buy falafel because the source is known and no doubt.

Falafel is more expensive than Shawarma at Mohammed Ali, but the demand is greater and returns with good profits

Price of falafel
Ali explained that the price of his falafel sandwiches is 150 rubles (about $ 2.5). Shawarma chicken sandwich is 130 rubles, and although falafel is more expensive than shawarma, it is more expensive and has a good profit.

Ali concluded that after the end of the World Cup will continue to provide falafel, especially that the area where the restaurant is a tourist near the market Ismailov selling souvenirs and gifts, and tourists from the Arabs and foreigners in the region permanently.

Russian Igor Igor, who was waiting to stand in the restaurant processing the falafel sandwiches he ordered, said he had tried falafel once and had become a regular customer. It is simple ingredients. Sandwiches contain a variety of vegetables.

Russian Aleksandr Somolov noted that he ate falafel or tastings when he visited Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt two years ago and liked it. Since then, the sandwich has not only been a satisfying meal, but has revived his memories of an enjoyable visit to Egypt he hopes to repeat.

Moroccan Ali Yatim said that Russian visitors to Muslims are having trouble getting kosher food for the few shops and restaurants they offer, and also because Russian cuisine is different from the Arab restaurant or even the Turkish nearby.

Yatim, who came to Russia to encourage his country team at the World Cup, added that falafel is a guaranteed and cheap meal, and the owner of the restaurant is Arab, easy to communicate with and reminds us of our country when we come to it.