Europe without Ukraine "cannot be complete." This statement was made by the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, speaking to students in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. In his opinion, the European Union is interested in Ukraine becoming a full member of the EU.

“Regarding the movement of Ukraine to the EU and NATO. Do not believe anyone who says that Ukraine’s entry into the EU and NATO is impossible. This is simply not true. They are trying to chop off our wings, ”Poroshenko said.

At the same time, he added that at the moment the Ukrainian side does not meet the criteria for joining the EU, but when it reaches the required indicators, Kiev will receive a positive decision.

The Ukrainian leader also recalled the July NATO summit in Brussels, when "19 leaders of states and governments were in favor of keeping the doors of NATO for Ukraine and Georgia open."

“Joining the EU and NATO is not only the goal of our policy, but is an obligation, an obligation of the Ukrainian authorities, including the president, parliament and government, to do everything possible to become a full member of the EU and NATO,” Poroshenko stressed.

  • © Sergii Kharchenko

It should be noted that then the Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg only announced support for Georgia’s “Euro-Atlantic aspirations”. At the same time, Poroshenko himself, invited to the summit, spoke at a briefing in front of an empty hall. In addition, NATO refused to include Ukraine in the Enhanced Partnership Opportunities (EOP) program.

Earlier, the President of Ukraine has repeatedly told about the dates of the country's entry into the European Union.

So, in June, Poroshenko told students of the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership in Kiev about a dream of "Ukraine joining the EU and NATO until 2030." At the same time, a month later, at a meeting with Serbian President Alexander Vucic, the term shifted by five years - until 2025. The Serbian leader even pointed to the excessive optimism of his Ukrainian counterpart.

In addition, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the first reading approved the proposed Poroshenko bill on fixing in the country's Constitution a course on integration with the European Union and NATO. At the same time, according to the survey results, 65% of Ukrainians believe that the state is moving in the wrong direction.

In November, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that the European Union would need 10 years to make decisions regarding the membership of Ukraine and Georgia, in addition, Kiev and Tbilisi in the event of a positive verdict will require at least another five years to fulfill the set requirements. In addition, during this period the list of criteria may increase.

Hugues Mingarelli, the head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, allowed himself a harsher statement to Kiev. In May, he announced the lack of prospects for Ukrainian membership in the European Union, and in October, he announced that Kiev had a “terrible image” on the European continent.

“Only a few countries really support Ukraine. Most EU states do not want to spoil their relations with Russia because of Ukraine, Georgia or Moldova, ”the diplomat added.

“No real integration happens.”

In Ukraine, instead of a bright European future, which the country's authorities have been talking about for four years, a real social and economic catastrophe is unfolding, said Deputy of the State Council of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara. According to him, at the moment, instability is already observed in the European Union, and the possible emergence of Ukraine will only aggravate the situation.

“A state like Ukraine, no one in the European Union is waiting, no real integration takes place. Is that the Ukrainian market is used by European countries for the sale of European goods, and nothing more, “- he said.

According to him, in the next speech Poroshenko there is no realistic promise, just empty demagogy.

“We understand that today Ukraine is a zone of chaos. In this sense, no one sees such a state as Ukraine as part of the European Union. Therefore, no matter what Poroshenko declares and tells, we understand that no real integration takes place and is not foreseen. These are just empty ambitions of Poroshenko and his election rhetoric, ”Ganzhara said in an interview with RT.

In turn, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Anton Morozov, added that economically, the inclusion of Ukraine is unprofitable for the European Union, because there they understand that they will receive "the next freeloader".

“As practice shows, all Eastern European states are not EU donors, but recipients of budget funds. Yes, Ukraine has got a rather serious scientific and technical base after the USSR, but now it all has fallen into decay, and I do not think that those technologies that Ukraine possesses are of interest to the European Union. They are interested in chernozem, natural resources and labor, but not so much as to justify the adoption of a country in the EU, ”the parliamentarian explained in a conversation with RT.