The Ministry of Education has ordered the government schools to quickly complete the application forms for outstanding exceptions in the "electronic system" for student transfers from one school to another at different educational levels, whether from a public school to another government or private sector. A date for sending those attachments, noting that all applications will be rejected after the school administration bears responsibility.

In a circular distributed to the heads of their educational councils, the ministry advised schools to send all the attachments in the students' exemptions. Most schools did not send the required attachments, and the ministry did not respond to the comments sent by the ministry in the requests for exemption. There are deficiencies in some schools.

The ministry specified in the circular, the required annexes for each case according to the educational system from which the student is transferred, whether governmental or private, explaining that the transfer from government schools to other governmental institutions for citizens and expatriates requires a certificate of the end of the previous year, From the previous school to pay the fees, and the commitment of expatriates approved by the Ministry, with the receipt of the electronic dirham, and request for exemption.

The required attachments for citizens transferred from private schools to the government are a certified certificate and a certificate of leaving school, with the equivalence of the certificate for students who move from schools that adopt foreign curricula. For expatriate students, the required attachments are a certified certificate with a certificate of "those who are interested" the student.

The Ministry stressed the speed of completion of the annexes ahead of schedule, in view of the large number of requests for exemption pending the system since last September.

A source in the ministry confirmed that these cases are mostly for registered students, but have not been registered and implicated in the "Manhal system" so far, pointing the problem to the system in question. T "in the ministry,« as well as that these cases were in need of follow-up since the beginning of the current academic year by the managers of the range ».