On Tuesday, February 19, in the Derbent district of Dagestan, law enforcement officers conducted a counter-terrorist operation, which resulted in the elimination of an armed militant involved in preparing for the implementation of a terrorist act. This was reported in the press service of the information center of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC).

“The identity of the neutralized mobster is established. Recently released after serving the sentence for trafficking in arms, he hatched an intention to commit a terrorist act using a powerful IED in the city of Derbent, ”the NAC said.

It is noted that during the search in the house of the attacker, law enforcement officers found a laboratory for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, where there were tanks and bags with explosives with a total weight of over 30 kg, as well as a large number of components for the manufacture of explosive devices.

According to the NAC, during a counter-terrorist operation, the gunman was blocked in an abandoned building, he refused to surrender to the authorities and opened fire on the security forces. During the shootout, the attacker was neutralized, no one among the security forces and the civilian population was hurt.

“Weapons and ammunition were found at the scene of the clash, and in the equipped cache - ready-to-use“ suicide belt ”and a bucket stuffed with explosive substances,” the NAC said in a statement.

  • © National Anti-Terrorism Committee

According to the ministry, security officials checked a number of residential buildings in the area of ​​the village of Belidzhi, Derbent District, after the NAK operational headquarters in the republic received information on the preparation of a crime of a terrorist nature. As part of the operational-search activities, the location of the armed gangster was established.

In this regard, the head of the Russian Federal Security Service Directorate for Dagestan decided to introduce, at 10:55 Moscow time, a counter-terrorist operation regime in the administrative borders of the Derbent district. The establishment of such a legal regime was due to the desire to prevent the commission of terrorist acts and to ensure the safety of citizens.

We add that during the period of the KTO, a number of restrictions are established. So, in the absence of identity documents, citizens are delivered to the offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the movement of vehicles within the legal regime is limited.

The fight against accomplices of international terrorist groups

It should be noted that a month earlier, on January 11, the security forces neutralized three militants who attempted to attack the road patrol officers in the area of ​​the Kavkaz federal highway. At the same time, the liquidated gangsters were involved in recruiting into the ranks of the international terrorist group “Islamic State” *, and also assisted the gangsters who operated in Kaspiysk and were destroyed during counterterrorist operations in 2017.

In addition, security officials detained a native of Kaspiisk, who confessed to the creation of a terrorist cell, plans and intentions of its members.

Later, in the Krasnodar Territory, Dagestan and Adyge, the activity of a secret cell controlled from the territory of Syria, which, under the guise of a charitable organization, collected money for the IG, was suppressed. FSB officers detained three suspects for illegal activities.

“As part of the investigative actions, three suspects were detained and arrested by a court decision. During searches at their addresses, the means of communication, payment instruments and fiscal checks, as well as other documentary materials confirming their criminal activities, were seized. During the interrogation, they gave confessions on the facts of the alleged crimes, ”the report said.

One more fact of fundraising for financing terrorism was reported by the press service of the Federal Security Service of Russia on February 15, when a resident of the Astrakhan region, who was involved in organizing a secret cell of the Islamic State, was detained. The suspect managed to collect at least 1 million rubles. During searches at her place of residence, she was found with extremist literature, payment cards and mobile phones.

* “Islamic State” (IG, ISIL) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.