The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Volgograd region conducts a procedural check upon the death of 25-year-old Oksana Kalashnikova. Native girls appealed to the authorities because they believe that the tragedy occurred due to improper performance of their professional duties by doctors. According to relatives, for more than three years, the family has bypassed a dozen medical institutions, where specialists either could not make the correct diagnosis, or tried to shift responsibility onto their colleagues.

As the mother of the deceased Elena told RT, in November 2014 her daughters removed the tonsils. The operation was successful, but over the next six months, by April - May 2015, the 22-year-old girl lost 12 kilograms. Kalashnikova Sr. claims that her daughter was always slim, she ate well and did not die with diets, but at that time she was rapidly losing weight.

Against this background, the girl regularly fever. Then the family sounded the alarm and turned to the polyclinic.

“Loss tests. We were told: “Everything is fine. Young Many people live with temperature, and you live, everything will pass, ”notes Kalashnikova.

The girl turned to another clinic, where the neurologist and endocrinologist, after the initial examination, decided that such a disease was not their profile. All analyzes of the patient were in order, no pathologies were found.

The next step was to contact the gastroenterological clinic, where the necessary procedures were done, including an ultrasound scan. But there they could not help establish the diagnosis.

In 2016, Kalashnikova developed shortness of breath and pain in the back. At the reception at the neurologist, the girl was prescribed ointment and painkillers.

Then, to make it easier for the girl to breathe, the doctors performed an operation to correct the nasal septum. In May 2016, during regular procedures, Oksana felt dizzy. Doctors explained frequent vertigo with thinness and vegetative-vascular dystonia. “Eat and get better,” the relatives advise the doctors.

Oksana was a hydraulic engineer by training and, despite her deteriorating state of health, she continued to work in the intervals between surveys.

In despair, the patient's parents turned to a paid clinic, where they performed an MRI scan of the cervical vertebrae. The dyspnea intensified, the gait became shaky, and the speech - slightly stretched. As a result, the doctors hypothesized that the symptoms are caused by multiple sclerosis, but specialized specialists did not confirm the diagnosis.

In the rheumatology department at Kalashnikova suspected the presence of bronchial asthma. “An x-ray was done, but the lungs were normal,” recalls Elena Kalashnikova.

In November 2016, during regular hospitalization, Oksana’s attacks of asphyxiation intensified. The girl got into intensive care, where she developed spontaneous pneumothorax. According to the mother, "the lung was put in order."

Elena Kalashnikova notes that after nine days in intensive care, her daughter could not walk on her own. Kalashnikovs were outraged by the fact that the doctors discharged the girl, not allowing her to recover.

“We don’t know what happened to her,” the senior Kalashnikova quotes doctors. Doctors also could not establish the cause of problems with lungs.

“She’s crazy, she’s crying,” Elena recalls the words of the doctors. Doctors advised to restore the mental state. But Kalashnikova’s mother does not agree with this medical conclusion: “Any young girl will be frightened if she endure this when you cannot walk, but fall.”

In January, the Kalashnikovs turned to the Volgograd Oblast Health Committee. “We were told that we should start again at the polyclinic. But what's the point of going there, if nobody knows anything there? ”

After another consultation, Volgograd doctors diagnosed the girl with encephalopathy and connective tissue dysplasia. “It’s just stuck into the sky,” the mother comments on another diagnosis.

I did not notice the disease

After a series of unsuccessful attempts to establish the disease in Volgograd, Kalashnikov was sent for treatment at the Center for Neurology in Moscow.

According to the mother, no pathologies were found during numerous surveys, and the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was also not confirmed.

“The only thing that the professor has grasped is from what region we are,” Elena is surprised. The fact is that mosquitoes that can tolerate West Nile fever live in the Volgograd region.

“They took blood and gave them to the Institute of Virology. From there came the credits that Oksana had already been ill with this. Recently. But when recently? Why, when we were in Volgograd, if we have people in the fall in sick people, 200-300 people each, as infectiologists told us, no one had such a condition, ”the woman wonders.

After returning home, the Kalashnikovs went to see an infectious disease specialist, who did not agree with the diagnoses of colleagues from Moscow.

“The doctor said that now antiviral therapy is not needed, because at the moment this virus is not in the body. Therefore, we simply went to rehab to a hospital for neurological disorders, ”the mother said.

In May 2017, the girl came to a temporary improvement in well-being: she began to walk, was in a good mood, visited the pool. But already in July, Oksana's temperature began to rise again, she again found herself in the infectious disease ward.

"Our local doctors did not believe the diagnosis, made in Moscow, but officially could not argue," - said the mother.

She claims that the girl took blood more than once and in the case of the active phase of infection with fever, the doctors had to detect the virus.

“I have a question: why didn’t they see this fever here when it was just the season,” she resents.

September 5, the girl was assigned the first group of disability.

At the same time, in early September 2017, in despair, the family of the sick girl appealed to the reception office of the President of the Russian Federation.

Was there a chance?

In April 2018, Oksana and her mother again came to Moscow. Kalashnikovs agreed to accept the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

“There she began to lose weight rapidly, she ate badly. Oksana performed the entire rehabilitation program, ”recalls her mother. Doctors advised to persuade the girl to eat.

According to the relatives, they offered to put nutrient droppers, but were refused.

From Moscow, the girl returned home with a weight of 35 kg and in a wheelchair. In Volgograd, Kalashnikova again had a fever, and she again found herself in the infectious disease ward.

At the request of the family to change the treatment that does not bring results, the doctors refused. “Moscow has appointed the treatment, and we cannot cancel it,” leads the grieving mother of the word Volgograd specialists.

Soon the girl completely switched to bed rest, she needed constant care, doctors came to her house.

"They came and said:" We do not know why she has such a pathology. Wipe with alcohol. Use children's candles for temperature, ”the mother transmits the word to the therapist.

Elena Kalashnikova declares that the doctors suggested “to suffer until the autumn, as now everyone is on vacation.” But September, Oksana did not wait.

On the morning of August 10, the girl felt relatively normal, but then the disease took over. “We sat, watched TV, I talked to her. She was already hard, although she reacted to everything. She had no strength. And then she died, that's all, ”said the mother.

Elena Kalashnikova wonders why local doctors did not diagnose in time, when it was possible to prescribe appropriate treatment.

“People came to us who had this fever. They supported us. Oksana did not lose heart: she had dreams of traveling, ”recalls the mother of the dead.

Elena is outraged why the doctors did not talk about the imminent danger: “In Moscow for the first time we were told that the recovery will be long, but it will be. This year in April we were told: “Her potential is high, feed, and everything will be fine.”

In the conclusion of the death of the cause: cerebral edema and ischemic stroke of the brain stem. In the histology provided by the investigators, which was given to familiarize the family, multiple changes in the organs were described.

“Did many changes occur in organs at the time of death or when?” I dont know. In March, the ultrasound showed no problems, ”the woman wonders.

Now the family wants to know how Oksana Kalashnikova was sick and why she could not be helped.

RT was unable to promptly receive comments from the Health Committee of the Volgograd Region and the regional prosecutor’s office.