Victory in the presidential elections in Brazil after the counting of 96.27% of the votes was won by Zhair Bolsonar. The former paratrooper, representing the right-wing Brazilian Social Liberal Party, won the second round, gaining 56% of the vote. For his main opponent, a representative of the Left Party of Workers (PT) Fernando Adda, 44% of voters voted.

In honor of the victory to Bolsonar, his supporters staged a grand celebration with fireworks on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro. Simultaneously, on the main streets of São Paulo, clashes between supporters of Addad and Bolsonard began.

To his electorate, Zhair Bolsonar promised to eliminate corruption and criminality prevailing everywhere, and also to return the country to "traditional values". Thanks to his populist campaign, he gained fame as “Tropical Trump” —Bolsonar repeatedly made extremely harsh statements and tried his best to underline his “politically incorrect” attitude.

In September, during the election campaign, an attempt was made on Bolsonard. During a policy meeting with voters in the town of Juiz de Fora, a local resident attacked him with a knife and managed to wound Bolsonar in the abdomen. The attacker said that he was allegedly “ordered by God” to kill the politician, but later it turned out that the offender had supported the left parties in the past and actively opposed Zhaire to Bolson on social networks.

"Took democracy hostage"

Despite the fact that Bolsonar enjoys great popularity among Brazilians, as well as the fact that he won a landslide victory in the second round of elections, the mainstream English-language media said that his coming to power would mean the end of liberal democracy in Brazil.

"A supporter of the military junta, Zhair Bolsonara took Brazilian democracy hostage," such a statement appeared on the website of France 24.

  • © France 24

"The upcoming victory for Bolsonar raises concerns for democracy," - the material with this title was published in the British newspaper The Guardian.

  • © The Guardian

“Zhair Bolsonar and the perversion of liberalism,” such a note was published in The Economist magazine.

  • © The Economist

“The victory of Bolsonar will be a test for the Brazilian democracy,” writes the newspaper Fincancial Times.

    "President of all Brazilians"

    Meanwhile, political scientists believe that it is too early to draw any conclusions about the future political course of Brazil immediately after the end of the elections.

    “The rhetoric of Bolsonar on the eve of the elections did not inspire much optimism - there were very tough statements, often rude. But now we see that it is claimed by the historical moment. People are sick of mess and corruption. The Brazilian electorate has lost faith in politicians and wants from its leader, clarity, vigor, unequivocal conclusions and decisions, ”said Vladimir Davydov, a professor at the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, in a conversation with RT.

    • Reuters

    At the same time, the expert drew attention to the fact that during the final speech, Bolsonar was surrounded by both black activists and many women, in respect of whom he repeatedly made disparaging statements.

    “He said that he would be the president of all Brazilians, regardless of what color their skin is, whether they have been living here for a long time or just immigrated to the country and from their sexual orientation. This shows that he amends his rhetoric and adapts to the situation. It inspires hope that the new leader will be cautious in its international affairs, which is very interesting for Russia, because with Brazil we still have good relations that fit into the formula of strategic partnership, ”Davydov explained.

    According to the expert, it is imperative that Russia maintain a constructive relationship with Brazil built on the basis of mutual understanding.

    "Reason for defamation"

    At the same time, political scientist Alexander Asafov, in an interview with RT, suggested that the Western establishment and the media under its control would not accept a single independent candidate, which was not approved by them, no matter what their political orientation.

    “From the point of view of Western media machines, his right views are an obvious weak point, which is emphasized in various ways in various headlines and publications. The preferences of the Western world regarding candidates in other countries are connected with the economy, and with ideology, and with the military sphere - we are talking primarily about the supply of weapons, ”the political scientist explained.

    When democratic institutions bring to power not the candidates who would suit the countries of the West, they cease to be democratic, Asafov notes.

    “As an example, we can take the Pope’s assumptions regarding members of the LGBT community. Brazilian confessional society has shown that such trends are not in demand. Therefore, it is obvious that a candidate who did not support such ideological and moral trends, began to enjoy the sympathy of the population. But this also gave the Western press an excuse for its defamation, ”the expert noted.

    Dissatisfaction with the Brazilian choice from the Western establishment could lead to the emergence of controlled protests and other simulated public protests in the country, Asafov warns.

    “There may be attempts to devalue the choice of the people, and subsequently to replay it. In the world, this has happened and will happen every time when an undemocratic candidate from the point of view of the Western world wins in open elections. Mass attack in the media is certainly politically engaged. Everything did not go according to a previously written script, ”the expert explained.