Ayman El-Gergawi - Gaza

Yusef Abu al-Waleed, 29, walks cautiously under the darkness of the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel east of Rafah. He watches the Israeli soldiers in the area before giving his friends a sign of progress about 2,000 meters.

It was only five minutes after nine in the evening until about 50 young men and boys arrived on three Tkatek (three-wheeled motorcycles). Some of them began to fire rubber tires about 200 meters from the border. Bring it with them.

In the meantime, Abu Walid was directing five people to fire at soldiers stationed behind a sandy hill inside the Israeli border, and others to ignite the "clear wire" and wave it with a circular motion in their hands, and then fire it at the soldiers.

The young man uses an iron bar to move a burning tire near the border and encourages his comrades to proceed cautiously inside Palestinian farmers' land. Suddenly, an explosion was heard, followed by heavy gunfire.

Young men "night confusion" ignite rubber tires and fire fireworks and laser games at the occupation soldiers (Al Jazeera)

Mission: Disturbance
These were the sounds of the Israeli occupation forces firing live bullets, sound bombs and lighting at the youths, which are part of what is known as the "night confusion" unit. These groups were recently formed to harass Israeli soldiers on the border and break the nighttime calm in the area.

These events were part of the escalation of the return marches and the siege, after the efforts of the truce sponsored by Egypt, between the resistance factions and Israel, stalled following a talk about a close agreement to establish a cease-fire in return for lifting the Israeli siege on the sector for 12 years.

"Our goal is to confuse the enemy, we want him not to know the taste of sleep," Abu Walid, the father of two children, told al-Jazeera.net after returning from a burning tire near the border. "He said.

"I have two brothers who were shot by the occupation while participating in the march of return, but all this does not deter me from disrupting the occupation at night."

Young people share "night confusion" for nights of the week. People come day after day, or twice a week. They say they do not follow the regulations, fund their activities from their own pocket, or through donors.

Members of the "night confusion" say that they do not follow any Palestinian faction and that their self-financing (the island)

Ahmed Abu El Nour said he sold some of the birds he raised at his home to buy some "night confusion" items, and it seems certain that these events will pay off one day.

Abu Al-Nour (30 years) wears an athletic shoe and loose clothes to be ready to run either forward or backward, and leads a group of young men in the vicinity of soldiers shouting slogans condemning the occupation.

Although the young man is very fond of his only child, who came after six years of marriage, he says to Al-Jazeera Net that "souls are humiliated in order to live in dignity and break the siege on the sick, the wounded and the students."

"We are students of life, not death, or of living in dignity or death martyrs," he said. "We are the students of life, not death," he said.

Soldiers fire their military vehicles at the youths to reveal their movements, but in return, young men working in the so-called "Zouari unit" fire homemade homemade flares over the soldiers, balloons with firecrackers, and laser toys at the soldiers' eyes.

Before the young men left the area after the case of Kar and fled with the occupation soldiers continued until one o'clock in the night; young people agreed to form a new unit called "fog", to start similar activities after dawn prayers.

Here the men of the certificate adore ✌️💪
Pictures of one of the members of the unit of the confusion of the evening of the Gaza Strip.

- رجب النقيب # غزة 🇵🇸 (@ragabelnaqeeb) September 20, 2018 This page has had visits All times are GMT +3

An innovative struggle
The "night confusion" is one of the tools of innovative struggle that developed with the rise of popular resistance away from the political track, according to the writer and political analyst Hamza Abu Shanab.

The activities of the movement "night confusion" aims to expand the segments involved in Palestinian popular resistance, and keep Israeli soldiers on permanent alert on the border, which creates pressure on the occupation and alarms, according to what Abu Shanab told Al Jazeera Net.

"When the chances of reaching an agreement are higher, the masses are in a state of stagnation, and if opportunities fail, momentum will come back," he said.

It was remarkable that the movement escalated during the past two weeks after the truce talks between the resistance and Israel in Cairo were stalled. The events witnessed widespread participation and the establishment of new friction points near the land and sea borders.

The Israeli occupation army killed 186 Palestinians and wounded more than two thousand during the suppression of the return marches and break the siege, which began since 30 March in the border areas of the Strip, to affirm the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homes and demand the breaking of the siege.