The meeting of the leaders of Russia and Belarus was an expected event of the political calendar. On July 23, Vladimir Putin invited Alexander Lukashenko to "discuss pressing issues" in Sochi "in the near future." The agenda of the talks included "a wide range of issues in the development of Belarusian-Russian cooperation, interaction in integration associations and international venues."

In turn, experts predicted that bilateral economic relations, especially in the hydrocarbon sphere, will also be at the center of the discussion.

The summit was held on August 22. Before the beginning of the presidents of the allied countries, they briefly outlined to journalists what they plan to discuss. Vladimir Putin in his welcoming speech mentioned the opportunity "to talk face to face on issues that relate to bilateral relations and to international problems." In turn, the Belarusian president diplomatically confirmed that in the relations between the countries a number of problems have accumulated, which only the presidents can resolve during a personal meeting.

"We have problems that are resolved quickly and which are not solved for a long time, but new problems, fortunately, do not appear, as I have analyzed, lately," said Alexander Lukashenko.

In the way of business; in the regular course of work

According to experts, there are really no significant conflicts between Belarus and Russia.

"There are some disagreements, but none of them is critical for bilateral relations. It's just that Minsk and Moscow have different opinions on different kinds of problems, "Kirill Koktysh, assistant professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), said in a conversation with RT. - However, these issues need to be resolved. In particular, the tax maneuver planned by Russia for the next year, due to which the revenues of the Belarusian budget will significantly fall. "

The talks between the leaders of the two countries were held after the changes in the Belarusian government: the new team, as experts say, turned out to be young and liberal. Analysts also drew attention to the fact that the cabinet reshuffle was made against the backdrop of "roughness" of bilateral relations in the oil and gas sector - due to excessive re-export of Belarus hydrocarbons suffered the Russian budget.

"Let's not forget that we have a Union State. And let's not forget that Belarus is our closest ally and economic partner, "Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian president, told reporters. - The scope of relations in all spheres is so great that these relations can not be realized and exist without rough spots. These are working roughnesses that are settled. Including for this, such meetings of the two presidents take place. "

Information about the outcome of the summit in Sochi was not a few days. And the journalists began to build all sorts of assumptions.

"Nothing happened ... The talks were very good," the spokesman for the Russian president calmed the media.

Relations with the "spark"

In the evening of August 26, Alexander Lukashenko on the air of the TV channel "Belarus 1" told how the negotiations in Sochi with Vladimir Putin were completed and how the negotiations ended.

"Negotiations really passed in a very good, friendly, as they used to say, atmosphere. We really had a very friendly atmosphere. And, believe me, there was not anything conspiratorial and secret in these negotiations, "the Belarusian leader said at the beginning of the interview.

According to him, at the meeting with his Russian counterpart, in particular, foreign policy issues were discussed.

"We also discussed issues of international relations. And I was interested in the position of the president and Russia, views on international relations, and above all, US-Russian relations. This context concerns us, too, because of the relationship between Russia and the West, and especially with the United States, unfortunately there is nothing to boast about, we all understand this, the development of Belarus depends, "Lukashenko said.

As the Belarusian leader noted, Vladimir Putin told him about his recent talks with the German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and a private visit to the wedding of the Austrian minister. During the meeting, the issue of cooperation in the CSTO and the situation around the current CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov were touched upon.

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Special attention was paid to the issues of bilateral relations, primarily economic ones.

"Both Russia for Belarus and Belarus for Russia are guardian angels. We are peoples from one root, native people. That's where our angelic role comes from, "- as Lukashenka described the relationship between Moscow and Minsk.

The Belarusian president explained that the reverse side of this is "the greatest economic dependence" on the neighboring country and its market.

Among the practical issues, the leaders of the two countries discussed the construction of a nuclear power plant, road transport, and a recycling charge for products.

"Some people write that we discussed oil, gas and credits. Listen, we did not touch the future of oil, gas and credits at all. Decisions have been taken on these issues. At least for oil and gas, we are still acting within the framework of those decisions, "Lukashenka said.

The head of Belarus touched upon the issue of personal ties between the leaders of the countries, stressing that if he and Putin sometimes "spark", it is because the relations between the heads of state are very close, informal.

"The task of the presidents"

According to experts, the main outcome of the talks is the decision to continue them in the short term in an expanded format with the participation of members of the governments of the two countries. Such a meeting on the agreement of Vladimir Putin with Alexander Lukashenko should be held already in the very near future.

"The Russian-Belarusian Union has existed for 22 years, and for all this time there has not been a single instance that the presidents could not agree on pressing issues of the relationship. So even now, I'm sure Putin and Lukashenka have determined the contours of decisions on all important issues, "Belarussian political scientist Svetlana Grechulina said in an interview with RT. - And then specific ministers will solve applied problems. It is good to whom to do it. For example, one of the vice-premiers in the new Belarusian government was Igor Petrishenko, who previously worked as an ambassador of Belarus in Russia. It is clear that he is more than competent in the field of Belarusian-Russian relations. Other leaders of the new Council of Ministers are also suited to it. "

In particular, the ministers of the two countries should settle disputes in the oil and gas sector, experts say.

Moscow and Minsk agreed to work out a compensation mechanism for the Belarusian economy by the end of this year. This was stated by the Minister of Economy of Belarus Dmitry Krutoy in an interview with STV.

"The governments of the two countries now have to make some decisions, work out a formula that would suit everyone," Koktysh explained.

In his opinion, both Minsk and Moscow have their own interests, which they are ready to defend. And there is a readiness to reach a compromise on all the disputable issues.

"The ministers of both countries will resolve the technical issues of interaction. And the task of the presidents is to negotiate in principle, "Koktysh summed up.