US President Trump and Chinese President Shi Jinping will meet in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Tuesday (March 1) to discuss the future direction of the global economy and trade order.

The two leaders will meet separately at the summit of the G20 summit, which is being held since the 30th of last month, and will discuss the issues of the two countries.

The US-China summit will be held for the first time since November last year.

It is the first time since the US and China have entered into a trade war that imposes tariffs on $ 250 billion and $ 110 billion in goods imported from their counterparts, respectively.

President Trump said yesterday that the US and Japan summit talks and told journalists about the meeting with the city's president: "We are working very hard and it would be good if we could make an agreement. "He said.

US Trade Representative Robert Wright told reporters, "If the dinner is not successful, we will be very surprised." There is a "positive feeling" between the two leaders.

"China will do more for market-oriented reforms, protect intellectual property rights, and increase revenues," Shi said in his address to the G-20 summit, urging the United States to maintain a multilateral trading system.

The two leaders also have already set up negotiations for the next round of negotiations when they reach a consensus, the Financial Times quoted sources as saying.

Still, the prospect of a "trade war ceasefire" agreement between the two leaders is uncertain.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) quoted officials from both countries as saying the Trump Administration will begin negotiations on a major change in China's economic policy by postponing the additional tariff imposed by the Trump administration on January 29 next spring.

But US investment bank Goldman Sachs said the first scenario in the US-China summit would be a 'tide of conflict' as it is now, and the US will raise tariffs on Chinese products to 25% The possibility of an all-out war.

However, we have proposed the second pause scenario, which is to maintain the current tariffs, but to agree to continue the dialogue with both sides delaying further conflicts.

The reason that optimism has not come alive is because there is no indication that the key differences between the two countries have narrowed.

The summit was decided and the Chinese government made a negative response to the compromise sent to the United States by US officials "not changed," and it is reported that China has complained that it is impossible to push the requirements on either side.

Lieutenant Lieutenant General Height expressed his impression of a tariff increase on Chinese automobiles with a statement just before the opening of the G20 summit.

The essence of the US-China trade war is not to increase or decrease the trade balance, but because it is a hegemony of supremacy to lead the world order, there is a constant analysis that it is not a problem to be solved in a short time.

In the latest issue of the Economist, the economist said that the most important front of the war between the two countries is the technology domination over all technologies, from artificial intelligence (AI) to internet equipment.

(Photo: Yonhap News)