Two days of exchanges and cogitations on "mutations of work": the 5th edition of the professional meeting "360 possibles" is held at the Rennes exhibition center on 28 and 29 November.

Recycled pallets and baroque sofas, hanging hammocks and giant screens. In an atmosphere between nightclub and start-up, "360 possibles", for its fifth edition, settled in a hangar of the Rennes exhibition center.

Yesterday and today, 3,000 visitors are expected, mostly "HR" professionals (human resources), managers, middle managers. For an entry of 50 € per day, the meeting of those "who wonder about the changes in work" offers 40 conferences, 34 "workshops" and also "appointments be to be" , "master class" and reboot camp.

"Planet, human, profits"

Beyond gadgets and trendy decor, thorny issues are addressed, with a thread that speaks volumes: fear. A staggering preoccupation comes from a number of speakers: "employee disengagement" , or how to keep employees engaged and engaged in their work.

A nagging concern: "employee disengagement", or how to keep employees engaged in their work. | West France

Roseline Laloupe, "29 years old, HR, business school", entitled her intervention "Being 100% yourself in a company, is it possible? " It dismantles, one by one, the constraints that employees impose and that it attributes to fear: the boilerplate suit "not to be noticed", the starting pot of the hated colleague to whom we go "by tradition ", the " presenteeism " that wants " to pretend to work to show that one is a good little employee ".

Roland Guinchard, psychologist and consultant, says, while scribbling on an antique paper-board, that the desire to work is naturally present and that "the only principle of the manager is to clear the ground for energies . " Still, he must know how to "trust".

A designer who "reinvents the company every day" , Caroline Lepoutère is surprised that she is asked so often "things that do not make sense" . Guillaume Le Nillot and Matthieu Bruckert, inventors of Breizhhacking, invite them to put the priorities in the right order: "Planet, human, profits" . And not the reverse.

Their project joins the direction that Bretagne Développement Innovation (economic development agency of the Brittany Region) wants to give to these "360 possible": "Put the human at the heart of organizations and strengthen corporate social responsibility. "