The square of October 24 in the west of Utrecht, Monday morning at 10.45 clock: in a streetcar shots are fired. It only takes a few hours, then the extent of the violence is clear: Three people are dead, five wounded, some of them are in critical condition.

The suspect is quickly identified: Gökmen Tanis, a 37-year-old man. The police arrest him in the early evening - along with another suspect. It was unclear, however, to what extent he had been involved. The charge is based on suspicion of manslaughter with a terrorist motive.

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Three dead, five injured: the murder of Utrecht

Until the arrests, the city and other parts of the Netherlands experienced hours of anxiety: schools should keep their doors closed, citizens should stay in their homes. In the meantime, the highest terror alert level has been declared for the Utrecht region. In Germany, the federal police on the border with the Netherlands had strengthened their controls on roads and in trains.

The act took place in the quarter of Kanaleneiland, a quiet residential area about one kilometer from the old town. "It is disturbing that such a thing can happen so close to our home," said a resident.

Video: Police take alleged shooters



The suspect is known to the police. "We know a lot about him," said Rutker Jeuken of the Interior Ministry. The alleged perpetrator has a long criminal record, according to media reports, in December 2013 he was convicted of attempted murder, and two weeks ago began a trial for a rape allegation. He was also charged with shoplifting, drunk driving, property damage and insult.

If the course of the deed is now reasonably clear, there is no reliable information on the motive yet. Yeuken said, "Right now we think it might be a terrorist motive, but we can not rule out other things."

Utrecht's Mayor Jan van Zanen said in a video message: "We're starting out with a terrorist motive." Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said: "If it is a terrorist attack, we have only one answer: our nation, democracy, must be stronger than fanaticism and violence." The reaction in the country to violence varies between unbelief and disgust. "We will never give way to intolerance." Violence has hit innocent people.

Investigators also considered a relationship case. But the signs were increasing. According to Dutch television, the police heard the brother of the 37-year-old, without first details were known. The state-run Turkish news agency Anadolu, citing unidentified relatives of Tanis, reported that they shot a woman in the tram for a family affair. Then he opened fire on the people who wanted to help the woman.