In a tram, a passenger is said to have struck a child. Now the process has begun before the regional court Munich I. The prosecutor accuses the man of stabbing the girl in September 2017 for no apparent reason.

He wanted to push a woman's backpack out of his sight and accidentally touched the then 21-month-old girl, said the 47-year-old defendant in court. The prosecution, however, spoke of two times personal injury: The accused should also have struck on the father of the child - also with a fist.

The presiding judge had the surveillance video of the incident in the tram act. This is a blow to the child sitting on the mother's arm. The accused himself is not visible on the picture, he was sitting in the blind spot. He had drunk several bottles of beer before going on the tram, he said. He also hears voices and feels harassed by public transport.

The Munich District Court handed down the case to the district court last year and had it examined for placement in a psychiatric facility. A verdict is expected for the 8th of March.