Unusual use of the Munich fire department: Several firefighters assisted on Saturday in the investigation of a sick rhinoceros. The heavyweight patient - the 45-year-old rhinoceros bull Tsavo - belongs to the Circus Krone, which has its winter quarters in Munich.

Tsavo suffers according to a circus speaker for weeks for digestive problems. Since the two-ton animal can only be examined in general anesthesia and upright position, the circus took the fire brigade to support.

The forces moved on with air lifting bags and straps, told the professional fire brigade. These placed them on and under the animal. This made it possible to raise the rhino when needed and to bring it into the right position. Also with the control of the teeth helped the firefighters with and kept open among other things the mouth.

# Rhinoceros with stomachache # FirefightersMunchen supports vet
Full report https://t.co/IWxaDQVYBs#wirfuerMuenchen pic.twitter.com/T2gSKw9Prb

- Munich Fire Department (@BFMuenchen) 17 February 2019

Tsavo, who has already lost 300 kilos over the past few months, is suffering, according to the circus announcer, a sample in the laboratory clarify. The result is still pending, he has survived the investigation well.