In Wiesbaden, the trial of the alleged murderer of the student Susanna and another suspect for the rape of an eleven-year-old has begun - to the exclusion of the public. The presiding judge justified this decision with the age of the younger defendant and the girl. It applies in both cases, a special duty of protection.

Ali B. must answer in the procedure before the district court Wiesbaden together with a public prosecutor at least 14-year-old boy. The prosecution accuses the 22-year-olds, the eleven-year-old girl in late April 2018 in his room in a Wiesbaden asylum accommodation lured and forced there to sexual intercourse (more about the case you can find here).

About a month later, B. and the co-defendant allegedly raped the girl one by one near a supermarket parking lot. According to the prosecutor, the accused Afghan is said to have once again sexually abused the eleven-year-old girl in April or May in a forest. In this attack was also a brother of Ali B. been there, who is still punishable by law. He too is said to have raped the girl.

more on the subject

14-year-old with Ali B. in court From acclaimed whistle-blower to defendant

The true age of the Afghan will play a role in the process, said the auxiliary plaintiff Barbara Sauer-Kopic. The assessment depended on whether the defendant had ever been convicted. The Afghan man held a pinned pile of paper in front of the courtroom to protect himself from the photographers and camera crews. There was no eye contact with Ali B., who was in the dock in front of him. The 22-year-old put his head on his arms to cover his face.

After the trial, the defense attorney, Michael Harschneck, said that Ali B. said to himself that the co-defendant did not testify. It will stay that way.

In the second trial of Ali B. for the murder of 14-year-old student Susanna, it was the Afghan who was now being charged with him who gave the police the decisive clue to the 22-year-old. The 14-year-old had reported to the police and testified that Ali B. had told him about the crime.

For one week, Ali B. has been responsible for the murder of Susanna in front of the 2nd Criminal Division of the district court in Wiesbaden. Right at the beginning of the process, the 22-year-old admitted that she had killed the girl. A rape he denies.

The Iraqi refugee had left shortly after the crime with his parents and siblings in the Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. He was arrested by security forces and handed over to the Federal Police. The body of Susanna had finally been found after a major search on June 6, 2018 in a small forest in Wiesbaden.