Pope Francis has condemned the cover-up of sexual abuse. "The church will never try to cover up or underestimate a single case," he said at the traditional Christmas reception for senior Roman Catholic church officials, the Roman Curia. In his speech this year, the Argentine put a clear focus on the topic of abuse, which overshadowed the year 2018.

Pope Francis has called on offenders from the Catholic Church to face the judiciary. "Convert, face human justice and prepare for divine justice," Francis said. The church itself would "spare no effort" to bring the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time, the Pope admitted serious failings of the church in the past. From "irresponsibility, disbelief, lack of education, inexperience, or spiritual and human short-sightedness," many cases of child abuse have not been dealt with seriously and quickly enough. This must and will never happen again, said Francis.

However, there are still priests "who abuse the vulnerable, taking advantage of their position and persuasive power." These clerics committed "heinous acts" and would still continue to perform their functions as if nothing had happened. "Often, behind their boundless amiability, impeccable performance, and angelic faces, they shamelessly hide a vicious wolf ready to eat innocent souls."

The church has been shaken by abuse scandals worldwide for years. It is also about allegations of widespread cover-up, which also directed against the Pope himself.