In Magdeburg, two young men with a migrant background were attacked by a larger group of people and injured by beatings. According to initial testimony, the group consisted of 25 to 30 perpetrators, the police said. The two victims had nasal bone fractures and hematomas on their faces.

As a result, men aged 18 and 28 were traveling on a street in the west of the city with a woman. According to the police, they met there on a first group that insulted them.

According to the investigators, the immigrants and their companion then proceeded to a bus stop, where they were suddenly attacked by the larger group. This should have observed uninvolved witnesses who were waiting at the station.

It was not until May in Magdeburg that there had been an allegedly racially motivated attack on immigrants: According to police, a 29-year-old Syrian was traveling with his family in a park when he was abused by a 23-year-old. The man is said to have taken the Syrian into a headlock and rushed his dogs at him.

The detained man sees himself as a victim, but the investigators see it differently: The man was charged, on November 13, according to prosecutors, the trial against him.