As many as nine pregnant women on a nursing station, that's not unusual. Unless all these women are not patients - but employees of the clinic.

A maternity hospital in the state of Maine has just made this baby boom in its own workforce public. As the Maine Medical Center announced on Facebook, the women are expected to deliver between April and July. Six of them have worked in the same weekend shift so far. With a few months ahead, the roster will be rebuilt.

Among the pregnant sisters are both multiple mothers and women who are expecting a baby for the first time. Everyone asserted that they were well prepared, at least from their professional experience, for what was to come. "I think I triggered a trend," said infant nurse Erin Grenier, who was the first to announce her pregnancy.

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Nurses in the US: a lot of pregnancy

There is such a trend, apparently for some time in the US: Anyway, the Maine Medical Center in Portland is by no means the only maternity clinic, which had reported in the past few months, an extreme rate of pregnancy among the staff.

For example, a cancer clinic in North Carolina reported six pregnant nurses in July last year, and in January, eight hospital workers in Illinois presented their newborns to the public, with more than eleven expectant mothers recently reporting from the US.

However, the case of the Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa, Arizona attracted a great deal of attention. Not just a few women were pregnant at the same time last year. But 16 women - who all worked on the same station.