A stranger did not pick up his millionaire prize 21 months after the draw. He had not reported, said a spokeswoman for the State Toto-Lotto GmbH.

At the drawing on April 1, 2017, the lotto player had achieved the seemingly impossible: he or she typed six correct numbers with a super number. The probability for this is 1 to 140 million, the profit was correspondingly plentiful: 11,300,368 euros.

It happens not too often that, above all, large profits would not be picked, said the lottery spokeswoman. The reasons for not reporting can only be speculated. "Presumably, the gaming receipt was thrown away, washed with the jeans in the washing machine or she slumbers in any drawer in front of her."

The winner has until the end of 2020 time to contact. Then pour the sum into a pot for special raffles. He is said to live in the region of Reutlingen, in the city of the ticket had been given in a collection point.

Recently, in the southwest in 2014, a tipster had a profit of 1.15 million euros expire.