"Egg noodle is urine, right?" (Domenico)

That shitty prostate! At the vigil with his still fully in the salty sex partners Domenico and Felix Tommi gives rare, valuable, unfortunately also plastic urological insights, among which old, allegedly not only white men have to suffer so much. And lectures in as much detail as it does unbidden on the condition of his very own glandular gland: "If a man no longer visible eulculates, that's bad for him," he breathes, meaning probably a disorder in which the seminal fluid is expelled backwards into the bladder.

Somewhat more discreet one could say: Tommi is happy in the age now more so inside. What does not prevent him from wearing his Lustgreisfantasien regardless of his maladen gonads like a verbal betatry to the outside: "The best butt has Evelyn, but the other also have a nice ass, what the hell." He also praises "the best I've ever had," with a full name: "That was a firebird."

Later, the testicle reflections are continued in another line-up, the anatomical quintet meets at the pool and Evelyn asks the CWM how it looks like after a few days of camp-related abstinence: "That's the human body, it's swelling . "

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Jungle Camp Day 5: "Mitgehangen, Mitgefangen"

So detailed is the speech of hard easter eggs, which one will never again be able to look into the eyes of the hare. Evelyn's ignorance is laughed at in detail, but the diligence star for the dumbest term contribution may then but Domenico pardon, pardon: "Egg pellet is urine, right ?," he asks in the jungle phone. One may probably justifiably hope in the next few days for more such golden sentences for the annals (huge request to the IBES production: Domenico please never explain this term!).

"I need you now, Gisele." (Yotta)

Sounds like a pop song from the sobs of Peter Orloff, but is the last despairing coaching trick of Yotta, after he had gekmemeiert in the joint jungle exam with Gisele already through his entire Kalwordspruch repertoire: "You're cool, I think so awesome, real hammer! You are getting stronger, I feel this to this point! " But already as Dr. Bob's upcoming assignment (in short: doused in glass coffins with animals) succinctly modeled on a horror movie trailer text with "You will get asked, you want to get scratched." sealed.

Yotta grabbed Gisele once again with a motivating choking on the back of the neck, then coached himself almost sore, and finally almost touched one, when he desperately asked the grumpy Gnäää-end, who was already boisterous before the beginning of the exam: "Do we want to sing a song?" However, in vain: Gisele also refused this test, although allowed to talk again briefly for a second attempt by Yotta in the box, but then it was finally over. The failed motivator then laboriously pressed his anger into small rage pellets: "We came here to cross our borders, and anyone who does not even try is a loser."

Or has a small emergency ration been preserved, some say so, the others like that.

"I'll give you a burger . " (Domenico)

Domenico and Evelyn are to look for a treasure together. Gorgeous meta, that just the two entraneisierten have to do - because treasure hunt, you understand, "honey" as in Liebling, Putzi, Schmusibusi! Even before the departure, however, Domenico has to complain about the hiking suit of Evelyn: "She should put on clothes, we go into the woods!"

Incidentally, only one of numerous convulsive Männchenmoves on Day 5: Previously, including a small sausage commission sat on the life of the sleeping Sybille court: "Think, porn - that's sick!" To Domenico's grief Evelyn not only wants to wander, but still talk about his apparent love fraud. "I do not like it when you're so uptight," he yearns to go back to a time when he could simply ban his mouths on the subject. She was just still injured, says Evelyn - he offers her, you can only marvel at so much stupid chutzpah, as a reparation payment for the damaged heart a compensation burgers. And it resembles hairstyle now no longer a burst stuffed animal, but a improperly sprinkled with low-quality butter cream monkey cupcake.

Like a nicely done, carefully cut Billo version of the series "The Affair", the love debacle is then told from two perspectives: She accuses him of calculated fraud. He implies that she sucks in the victim role, while he has long been determined by detailed Instagram exegesis that she has long had a new, with which she drove shortly after their separation cheeky as Oskar on vacation, rather than in a hole in the ground to decry their expulsion from the Domenican Love Republic. She says he wanted to reclaim her after the breakup with love tears on breakfast television (the concept of "romance" is officially over, sorry people). He says: That's not true.

As on another occasion in the recent past, the value of a well-established trash fact checking department is now evident. Within minutes creates the twittersche Rechercheressort film documents that prove their version. Does anyone have the documents for Yotta's multi-university degree in the basement archive?

"Adenauer, this is a school!" (Evelyn)

As a c omic relief after so much heartbreaking, both then go through the common treasure hunt, which finally does not rely on comical action tasks, but a simple quiz of knowledge - better candidates for it can hardly be found in the vast, swampy trash worlds.

Evelyn invents new phrases ("One says yes:" That glitters yes. "), Revolutionized the physics (" How should liquid expand in the cold when the bottle is closed? ") And discovers the" American Ocean "between It's going to be wonderful when the first German chancellor is to be identified from three possible candidates: Domenico is for Konrad Adenauer. "That's a school!" Evelyn snaps in. Shortly the stupid Stupid bullet in the direction of "Heinz Erhard", but then decides for Adenauer respectively "Adendauer".

We do almost everything for you - but we also have to think about Günther Jauch. #IBES https://t.co/dUXZlrfbaU

- RTL.de (@RTLde) January 15, 2019

When asked what exactly the "Volkskammer" was, Evelyn asks in a gradually painful ignorance, "Does this have anything to do with Hitler, the Jews, and the Jews?", And one is glad not to know exactly which mindset path Evelyn just exactly stumble along here. If she should overthrow it, at least nothing can happen, because: "The brain is fully fastened from the head."

One often wonders if in these extremely low-hanging pre-publicity quiz questions ("What does the Bachelor? A) Rosen, B) Scholarship") ever call someone for the roaring obvious Dämlack answer. Here we have our answer.