RTL / Arya Shirazi

Do you know : As transgender model of the last season of "Germany's Next Top Model".

Jungle forecasting: In the Klumschen Schleifschule Giuliana was a truck full of grit in the transmission: She slept Castings, chucked shootings and was generally so medium motivated. Could also be staged in the camp rather than still life.

Fun Fact : Their Poussage was said to be "Ischa Hammer, blatant, mega" -John from David's "Bachelorette" relay. Apparently, but unfortunately nothing is off, too bad. This could finally have been the wedding, which could dethrone the - rationally considered - never-to-be-beaten Cringefest by Sebastian and Gülcan Kamps.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

Do you know: As runner-up of the ninth season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". Or, if you're a nineties kid: those creepy little troll figures with whom he shares ear anatomy and colorful tassels.

Jungle forecast : The 18-year-old likes to give the Wild Child or the festive Rumtopffrüchtchen and could stand out in the camp as a renitent opposite to wise old fronting. His intermittently trained and broken for DSDS cooking education could qualify him to the bean commissioner. Nervous potential has its characteristic Ähä-ähä-ähä! -Lache, which is reminiscent of a mixture of futile attempts to start a small car and a squeezed Kleinspitz.

Fun Fact: His current single is called "Balloons Full of Water", so it's a hymn to the water bomb. If there is a god, the B-side is a ballad to the fart pillow.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

Knows: As a pop singer and younger sister of Mary Roos - the disgust of unnecessarily talkative first and last name, which have more than four letters, is apparently in the family.

Jungle Forecast: Even though their biggest hit, the Passive Aggressive Rammer, "Let's not Ban Singing," suggests the worst (especially the rather letting lines "A bit of Tschingderassassa and Bums-Fallera / has always been part of life "), the 63-year-old retiree of this year's camp will be more likely to become the Lieutenant-Colonel. Prophetic song title in turn: "And when I sleep, I am an angel".

Fun Fact: With her song "Rosi, you were wonderful (ziwui, ziwui, ziwuia)" she gave in 1976 on the occasion of the double gold medal dismissal of Rosi "Ski Rosi" Mittermaier the already sickly genre of athletes' honor Quatschlieds death blow.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

Did you know: From his 1989 hits "If Only I Could" and "Sit and Wait".

Jungle forecast: Faulibert with announcement. His first hit describes world improvement plans in the subjunctive, his second is a broad-based ode to sit around - let no one say that he has not sufficiently pointed out that he will not expect much actionism.

Fun Fact: Practical: You can use his appearance in the TV Garden 2007 very well as a reference, if you have forgotten how to climb down a staircase very casually.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

One knows : As a widow of the busting physician Franz Gsell and model for obenrum airy.

Jungle forecast : According to her homepage, she was once the most photographed woman in Germany, that seems a bold statement, and no less daring comes the (yes, always sounding like a threat) project, she wants to "show in the camp, as it really is" , If the younger squeak cattle Kattia and Guiliana are not too fed up in the feed show, they might be hot contenders for the first jungle exams.

Fun Fact: A simple, but disturbingly catchy song announces on YouTube still a top event, which should not be but then: Beatertroot Jana Wagenhuber had Tatjana Gsell challenged to a boxing match, which should take place in 2013 in Frankfurt Velvet Club, and a challenge to on it Discofoxen added. Even the title "I Beat Tatjana Gsell" is wonderfully minimalist prose, the other rhymes are a poem: "Today the Tati needs a really thick coat / Tatjana Gsell, Tatjana Gsell" and "Today it comes to the big fight, and that will be official / Tatjana Gsell, Tatjana Gsell ". Carelessly, Gsell's rhyming words missed out on caramel, bedstead, Bayrischzell, Bonduelle, provincial. Unfortunately, Tatjana had to cancel the fight at short notice due to an injury. Jana Wagenhuber managed to break down Bella Saint Mare (a model, not a horse) by strangely choking.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

Did you know: From the broadcasts "Ab ins Beet", "Hot or Schrott" and as Wutmamsell from this year's "Sommerhaus der Stars".

Jungle Forecast : Hot contender for this year's Keiming Pliers, the biggest hate speech and the golden HB memory guy in personal union. Without his always soothing partner Hubert Fella, the Lower Franconian Gandhi, could emerge to the crimson form. Please absolutely choose the jungle exam, in which blindfolded must be parked! However, those who survived the "summer house" is a hardened, not to be underestimated trash warrior.

Fun Fact: Anyone who books a trip in the shared travel agency of Matthias and Hubert and says the codeword "YouTube 10,000" will receive a discount of 10 euros.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

One knows: As a dramaturgically important disruptive element of the past "Bachelor" -Staffel.

Jungle Forecast: An Escalation Powerhouse. Vides often needs only one sentence to raise a complete social fabric against himself (for example, "I have solidified with him"). At the "Bachelor" she got caught by early Poppes-Shaming and Kimmengate because of their only vaguely sketched bikini bottoms quickly behind, at the camp could threaten her a similar fate. Her tearless departure from the undergraduate bachelorette recalled an earlier jungle size-her grin-tight grin was almost Honey level. Note to the requisite team: As a precaution, adjust the collar width of the neck cuffs again.

Fun Fact: No matter how Kattia walks in the jungle, she will go her own way. Is she still under contract with the same artist agency as the IBES veterans Mallorca-Jenser, Marc Terenzi, Michael Wendler and Jay Kahn. And Andreas Gabalier double Kevin, Schäfer Heinrich and DJ Käpt'n Käse.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

You know: As an ex-model, ex-wife of Uwe Ochsenknecht, designer. And as at least co-creator of Germany's most complex celebrity name.

Jungle forecast: Was not it twice in the jungle? Oh no, it was Brigitte Nielsen. Like the Danish warhorse, Natascha has already grazed several rounds in the reality arena and most recently successfully added the over-patroned housemother - "Celebrity Big Brother". A role that she will undoubtedly grab in the jungle. Boring and therefore final candidate.

Fun Fact: Maybe useful for Ochsenknecht cosplayers: Their trademarked pink lipstick comes from their own collection of lipstick and is called "Sexy Thing".


RTL / Arya Shirazi

One knows: As a "white Brazilian", who played as a professional footballer in 20 years under 39 coaches at 18 different clubs.

Jungle Forecast: Valuable anecdote spinner and dry terry dresser that can keep the sometimes capricious stuttering steam engine running with dry remarks and low bullshit acceptance levels. Whether you as a spectator but really feel like listening to the story for the hundredth time, as he at that time on foot in the alcohol control ... ... chhrrrrrr ... .... pffüüüüh ... .... chrrrrrrrr ... ....

Fun Fact: Has possibly taken a vow to wear only his own merchandise until the end of his life. Leibchen with his quote "At some point the street gets the football back" he owns in 57 colors (estimate).


RTL / Arya Shirazi

One knows : As the winner of the past "Bachelorette" -Staffel and drummer of the band Eskimo Callboy

Jungle Forecast : Possibly the always so boyish under his Schnörres herausschmunzelnden Bachelorette is a very cunning comrade. Allegedly he had inadvertently registered in Vollsuff at the "Bachelorette" - he succeeded amazingly good and penetrating to place his band in the show as a random standing in the picture Limodose. It is to be feared that he could settle as a jovial sympathizer quickly as a favorite. The resulting filthiness could be dispelled at home with an in-depth textual analysis of the oeuvre of his band, which contains interesting predictions for the future that the Zukunftsinstitut conceals: "The end is near / It's the Antichrist sex pornstyle / It's an invasion of the cockfucking robocunts ". Elsewhere, the singer wants an erection as hard as a wrecking ball, sings "Transilvanian cunthunger". Okay, but then they really overdo it with their aggrotexts. Attention, here it comes: "Alpakas make me angry". What kind of people are those? Please forbid!

Fun Fact: David has completed his training as a steel cooker. Practical, because we all know: Fun is a steel bath.


RTL / Arya Shirazi

One knows: From "Rossini", "Nikola", "The Guard", "In all friendship" and many other serial and comedy productions. The face, not the name.

Jungle Forecast : In the worst case, it gives the Dauerfeixende joke teller, but remains strategically still opaque. In any case, she seems to have good nerves, tempered by undaunted moderation of the "apres-ski hits".

Fun Fact: One of their presentations should please in the "Small Aufsager primer for TV-bullfinch" create: "Brrr, cold isses Hello and welcome to the dumbest Christmas in the world!"


RTL / Arya Shirazi

Do you know : As a scurrilous half sister of Daniela Katzenberger

Jungle Forecast: When the hair extensions go crazy, the nerves break. Will likely spread unbidden Interna from her already very boring feud against her cat sister, who arrive safely as well as the average range of a female bachelorette party. Could possibly ally with Kattia, because together with the cats husband Lucas Cordalis should actually record a song that you never heard of. Could also be that she will hate Kattia abysmal. Okay, five euros on hating.

Fun Fact: Runs its own YouTube channel with videos like "Are my hair broken?" and "My hair is broken!"

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