A drunken passenger has attacked the train driver with a fire extinguisher in an ICE from Frankfurt to Paris for allegedly too high speeds and forced a stop. The train had to hold according to federal police unscheduled in Hesse Mörfelden-Walldorf.

The 30-year-old man with 1.73 per thousand of breath alcohol had taken a fire extinguisher from the wall without warning, according to travelers. He had gone to the driver's door and smashed the glass with the fire extinguisher. Then the man from Heidelberg had demanded from the locomotive driver of the train to slow down the pace, because the train was driving too fast and he had to rescue the travelers.

The engine driver braked according to federal police the ICE and stopped in the station of Mörfelden-Walldorf. Travelers had meanwhile alerted the federal police in Frankfurt with the mobile phone, so that the drunk could be arrested a little later by a patrol.

The shocked engineer broke off his duties. The approximately 220 passengers had to return with a replacement locomotive driver the approximately 15-kilometer route to the main station Frankfurt and continue their journey with other trains. There were no injuries.

As a result of the incident, there were 18 trains to delays. The Federal Police initiated against the 30-year-old investigations for dangerous interference in rail traffic, property damage and coercion.