The ZDF says a concert with the band fine cream fish fillet in Dessau. Previously, the Foundation of the Bauhaus, where the event was to take place, had made use of their house right and prohibited the concert against the ZDF.

The station had invited the punk rockers around singer Jan Gorkow in early November in a live music series in which national and international musicians on the occasion of the centenary Bauhaus anniversary should occur on the historic stage. AfD and CDU fiercely criticized the concert because the Rostock band was at times observed by the state constitution protection in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

"No place for agitation and aggression"

"The invitation of the band is difficult to incomprehensible," said the government spokesman of Saxony-Anhalt, Matthias Schuppe. The AFD member of the Bundestag Andreas Mrosek became clearer: "It is a scandal that a public broadcaster financed by compulsory levies and obligated to balance a left-wing extremist band offers such a forum."

After the public criticism, the Bauhaus Dessau has forbidden the ZDF to make an appearance of the band in writing. "The ZDF takes note of this decision with regret," it says from the transmitter.

According to the SPIEGEL, the Bauhaus sent a letter to the television station on Wednesday asking it to prevent the concert. The ZDF had wanted to stick to the planning, however - until the Bauhaus made use of their house right. It acts as a landlord for ZDF. Chairman of the Foundation Council is the CDU politician Rainer Robra, who is also head of the State Chancellery and Minister of Culture of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.

As a reason, the cultural institution called the mobilization of right-wing radicals, which has caused the event planning. "In order not to become once again the venue of political agitation and aggression," it said in a public statement.

"Freedom of Art completely in the ass"

The domestic political spokesman of the Greens parliamentary group, Sebastian Striegel, criticized the approach to the SPIEGEL: "If rights are a danger, then you have to ban their deployment - and not the concert." And quotes a song of the band: "I build on the fact that Saxony-Anhalt 'is not completely in the ass when it comes to freedom of art."

First, the AfD had criticized the concert on Wednesday, then responded to the CDU on Thursday with public criticism. The two parties were already working together in terms of left-wing radicalism: in the state parliament AfD and the majority of the CDU parliamentary group had set up a commission last year to investigate left-wing extremism.

Recently, Feineahne Fischfilet had received nationwide attention by appearing in Chemnitz at the rally against "We Are More" right, in which Die Toten Hosen, Casper and Marteria had also campaigned against right-wing ideologies.