300 kilos of potatoes for a good cause: A dispute between a Twitter user and the police Dortmund has come to a peaceful end. Trigger for the dispute, in which even Jan Böhmermann had interfered on Twitter, was from the point of view of the police derogatory tweet of the user "Kartoffelotto" about three weeks ago.

Out of annoyance over his disproportionate police presence around a football match of the BVB, the football fan had the officials in it with "you're an absolutely laughable bunch" insulted.

Hello @polizei_nrw_do today, then capacities are free again? Does nobody think about the overtime? You are an absolutely laughable bunch .... #BVBFCN

- Kartoffelotto (@erdapfelotto) September 26, 2018

The police then threatened with a complaint and formally initiated an investigation.

Dear Mr. @erdapfelotto,
Your comment will be reviewed for criminal relevance by the prosecutor #Dortmund. Maybe you should rethink your publication.

- Police NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) 26th September 2018

However, the action of the police caused a stir on Twitter, especially when Jan Böhmermann hit on "Kartoffelottos" side.

As a citizen and hobby prosecutor, I would still be interested in this matter, as many officials here exactly make a criminal complaint. An official may not be sufficient for the StA because of a possible group insult ("laughable bunch").

- Jan Böhmermann (@janboehm) September 27, 2018

After some back-and-forth - the Twitterer had received a formal summons from the police in the meantime - the police did not file a complaint and instead invited for coffee and a clarifying conversation.

"Kartoffelotto" agreed, not without setting a bizarre punch line: alluding to his name, he offered to donate 100 kilos of potatoes for a good cause and asked police and Böhmermann to do the same.

Hello @ police_nrw_do the following suggestion: Come on over and we clarify that with a coffee. I also bring 100 kg of potatoes for a non-profit organization. If you also give 100 (only then), coworker @janboehm also gives 100 (seriously!) Makes 300 (!). Deal? https://t.co/3zRZrHTsEI

- Kartoffelotto (@erdapfelotto) 17 October 2018

They agreed on Twitter. On Tuesday, the dispute is then finally settled, said a police spokeswoman.