The Federal Data Protection Commissioner Ulrich Kelber criticized that the Federal Police stores images of their operations on servers of the US company Amazon. Kelber called in conversation with the "New Osnabrücker Zeitung", immediately to switch to a German cloud provider and save the sensitive shots of Bodycams there.

"We already told the Federal Police and the Federal Interior Ministry in 2018 that we consider the storage of Bodycam data in the Amazon cloud illegal," he said. The government had ignored his then demand to switch to a German provider, "As a result, the federal police must therefore change the currently practiced process."

Kelber therefore has massive privacy concerns. In his estimation, access by US authorities to the data can not be ruled out.

The federal police had defended their decision last week as a temporary solution. This would be necessary until federal and suitable for this purpose clouds were available, said the spokesman for the Federal Police, Gero von Vegesack.

The spokesman made it clear in the context that the solution found with Amazon had been tested in advance over several months together with the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) - ultimately with a positive result. By the end of 2019, a total of 2300 Bodycams will be in use at the Federal Police.