Hundreds of dachshunds walked on Sunday with their master and mistress through Munich. The reason for the parade on the warm spring day: the exhibition "Beware! Dachshund" by Valentin-Karlstadt Musäums.

Many participants had dressed up. Some dogs, for example, wore a neck bow in the Bavarian colors white-blue, one even a green hat.

Many a dachshund owner wore traditional costumes. Onlookers on both sides of the street applauded the participants of the parade.

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Dachshund parade in Munich: pageant parade

The exhibition "Caution! Dachshund" runs until 21 May. She deals with the role of the dachshund as a cultural asset in Munich. "More than high, short, leggy, he has the prerequisites for wit and satire", the museum proclaims: "As a true whistle-blower, he provides the pseudo-sharp secretaries-general of political parties with their traits."

The Munich city administration sees the Dachshund also under budget aspects: The Munich dachshund bring in more than 60,000 euros dog tax every year the Stadtkämmerei. Currently, 600 of these dogs live in the city.