Francisco da Silva Caiuby, football professional at FC Augsburg, is to pay 22,500 euros fine because he drove without ticket train. The Augsburg district court has ruled that, according to a spokesman. At first the "Augsburger Allgemeine" reported about it.

The court had issued in the summer on application by the prosecutor's office a penalty order against the 30-year-old Brazilian for dereliction of benefits. Caiuby was caught in the fall of 2017 without a ticket on the train from Munich to Augsburg.

According to the "Augsburger Allgemeine", the athlete was on his way back from the Oktoberfest. A Bayernticket for one person costs 25 euros.

Caiuby objected to the amount of the punitive order, according to the newspaper. The court has now slightly reduced this, to 30 daily rates of 750 euros each. Before it should be according to the newspaper 1000 euros per day rate.

A spokesman for the Bundesliga club said that neither the club nor Caiuby himself wants to comment on the verdict.