In the case of trafficking and forced prostitution in the "Paradise" brothel chain, the Stuttgart Regional Court sentenced the former head of the establishment to five years imprisonment. The judges convicted the 65-year-old known as the "brothel king" of the aid for trafficking, guilty of pimping and fraud.

Two other defendants were sentenced to imprisonment: the press and marketing chief of the red light operation is to jail for three years and three months, a tax adviser was sentenced to a suspended sentence of one year and four months for fraud alleged fraud.

Outwardly, the operators worked on the image of a clean, honest showpiece: He had only offered the platform - ie the rooms and a wellness environment. The prostitutes would have worked there independently, the boss claimed earlier.


Raid in brothel "Paradise" (2014)

In fact, the rocker groups Hells Angels and United Tribuns had brought prostitution to the large brothel in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, the court has now determined. The women were in many cases threatened, beaten and humiliated by their pimps, as the presiding judge said. The aim was to make the often very young prostitutes docile.

It was only in December that the court sentenced the former "Paradise" director to two years probation. Among other things, the 53-year-old has contributed to trafficking and sexual exploitation, the judge said. The largely confessed man had accepted at the same time approvingly that women in the large brothel in Leinfelden-Echterdingen had been forced to prostitution.

The main brothel also had many women under the age of 21, some from Eastern Europe. The now convicted main accused had opened his first brothel in 2008 just outside the gates of Stuttgart. There were other large companies in Frankfurt, Saarbrücken and Graz added.