The police have arrested a suspect after a fatal accident with driver's flight in Upper Bavarian Aschau in Chiemgau. The 27-year-old motorist is said to have caught a 23-year-old with his car and fatally injured. That is what the police said. Accordingly, she also determined against two passengers.

The wife and a companion had been on the way home from a nightclub on Sunday. Unlike her companion she had run on the street - possibly because this was better cleared in the winter road conditions than the sidewalk.

Shortly before 4 o'clock she was seized according to police by a car and thrown on the opposite lane. A little later, the 23-year-old was declared brain dead in the hospital.

According to the police, dozens of vehicles were checked using a car part seized at the scene of the accident. A 23-year-old rider turned to the police during the investigation and reported that her father's car was missing the lost vehicle part that was shown in the media.

According to the police, the analysis of recordings of various video cameras resulted in the total of three people who had also been in the discotheque at night on Sunday.

The alleged driver should be presented to the magistrate. The two riders at the age of 22 and 23 years were arrested, but released after their interrogation. Against them there is the suspicion of failure to help and the attempted denial.