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is one of the activities preferred by Spaniards when they finish their workday and seek to disconnect from work, according to the latest edition of the '


Report 2023

: State of Occupational Health in Companies' carried out by the Cobee platform, which indicates that 19% of the population practices it.

"It is not surprising that it is so 'engaging', because it is full of advantages," says

Lucía Pérez-Plá,

teacher & founder of Studiom, a yoga boutique in Yoofit, which highlights among its benefits for the body the increase in flexibility, balance and strength. And as for what it brings to our mind, the "improvement of


and attention. Yoga gives us tranquility and offers us the mental rest space so necessary in our daily lives, that place of


and silence that exists within us where problems, uncertainties and noise have no place," he adds.

In this sense, "different studies affirm that practicing a yoga routine or a daily


meditation has the same


effects as a day on vacation," says

Lucía Liencres

, founder of the online yoga studio in Spanish THECLASSyoga.com.

There can be no better incentive. Or yes, because according to Liencres, practicing yoga daily "improves the functioning of internal organs through


breathing techniques, cleanses the body of accumulated fluids, maintains a state of relaxation and fills the body with


, vitality and positivism" . It is about

eliminating toxins,

"which is also synonymous with removing everything that is toxic in our lives:


, pessimism, lack of energy, tiredness, bad mood...", he points out.

In addition to adding


, an asana routine practiced regularly also promotes good


. "There are positions that massage the internal organs and increase blood flow to the stomach, facilitating intestinal transit," says another expert on the subject,

Katia Muñoz Olmo,

Wellthy Expert at the exclusive five-star Royal Hideaway Sancti Petri. "Performing yoga generates breathing techniques that help release stress, which is also a benefit for digestive health, since this is one of the biggest drivers of constipation. In addition, there are many postures that stimulate the stomach, intestine and the pancreas, making them stronger," he insists, emphasizing the benefits for digestion of surrendering to yoga: "It improves the absorption of food, eliminates constipation and promotes gastrointestinal circulation."

The 10 easiest postures to start

The next good news is that "everyone can practice yoga," even the most uptight of us. "It is never too late to learn and master some asanas," says

Marion Deuchars,

an award-winning Scottish illustrator who encourages people to get into yoga in a different and friendly way. She does it through the book

'Yoga for stiffs'

(Lunwerg Editores), a small volume that collects the simplest postures so that you can incorporate this practice into your daily routine


and with a lot of laughter.

Each page surprises with inspiring phrases and


that encourage you to connect with yourself and your body to improve your physical and emotional well-being, but above all because of its illustrations: you will start yoga in the company of a friendly long-legged bird


its chick that They will teach you how to do it in a fun and enjoyable way. "If these little birds can do it, you can too. This book has been written to help those who are taking their first steps in yoga


inspire those who have already taken flight," says Deuchars.



, breathe better, relieve stress, get fit or gain flexibility, increase


levels and awaken a feeling of


", these are the most comfortable postures; suitable for stiff people.

  • Seated.

    A good option to start, comfortable and sitting, on the floor or even in a chair. "Sit cross-legged. If you need to, sit on a block or a rolled towel. Relax your shoulders and lengthen your neck. Leave your hands on your legs and breathe deeply and slowly." The best? It serves to relieve stress.

  • Table, cat, cow.

    A sequence to energize the body and awaken the spine. You have to repeat it three times. Start with the table (stand with your back straight, resting on your knees and hands, with your hips in line with your knees and your shoulders with your wrists). For the cat, arch your back and relax your neck, tucking your belly button in and up. In the cow, inhale and arch your spine, relax your abdomen, move your shoulders away from your ears and lengthen your neck.

  • Iron.

    The way to strengthen the torso and spine. Start face down, bend your elbows and place your hands stretched under your shoulders. Tuck your toes in and, with a firm abdomen, lift your body so that the weight falls on your hands and toes. Draw an imaginary diagonal line from the feet to the forehead.

  • Cobra.

    Perfect for improving sagging shoulders. Lie face down with your palms resting on the floor under your shoulders. Push with your hands to raise your torso slowly, little by little. She breathes into her lower back and feels her back lengthen.

  • Arms raised.

    A posture that improves concentration and strength. With your feet aligned with your hips, raise your arms toward the sky.

  • Happy baby.

    And you too. Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring them closer to her chest. Grasp your feet by the ankles and rock them gently.

  • Downward facing dog.

    A great posture to improve back pain. Start on your knees and hands, with your hands under your shoulders. Tuck your toes, raise your knees and stretch your arms and back, bend and straighten your legs to release tension.

  • Low iron.

    The one that strengthens your abs. Lie face down, with your hands under your shoulders, your elbows back and your toes turned inward. Push with your hands to lift your body.

  • Sitting clamp.

    Another sitting. When breathing, she brings her torso forward from the hips and rests her hands on her legs or feet. And, if you need to, bend your knees.

  • Foot clamp.

    This helps you relax. As you breathe, flex your torso from the hips and rest your hands on your legs or feet.

  • Fitness