Angoulême Festival: the Fauve d’or for best album awarded to Daniel Clowes for “Monica”

The American Daniel Clowes won the Fauve d'or on Saturday for best comic book album of the year with


announced the jury of the Angoulême International Festival. 

American comic book author Daniel Clowes. (illustrative image) AFP - THOMAS SAMSON

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He was not crowned Grand Prix, but the golden beast awarded to his new graphic novel,


, is a nice consolation prize for Daniel Clowes. The 62-year-old American cartoonist tells the story of a woman's life, from her birth in the 1960s to her death.

The story, fragmented into nine stories, alternates periods and graphic styles. Far from being reduced to an exercise in virtuoso style, this comic strip which blurs the lines turns out to be the most personal of the author, a great connoisseur of the history of comic strips.

This prize should finally make Daniel Clowes known to a wider audience, as his publisher, Guy Delcourt, hopes. “

 The circulation will be multiplied, that’s obvious. But I'm delighted, it's a demanding work. It's one of the works where you have to encourage the reader to go through the process of reading, not to be put off by a certain level of complexity and sophistication. A prize is perfect for that, it triggers desire.


Daniel Clowes, who lives in Oakland, California, was unable to make the trip to Angoulême where the Festival closed its doors on Sunday evening, at the end of an edition which once again attracted a very large audience.

It's indescribable. That's what I find interesting actually. Today, it's always pleasant to discover works where we're going to turn the page but we don't know exactly what's going to happen.


Thomas Bangalter, president of the Angoulême Festival jury

Sophie Torlotin

The special Fauve of the jury was awarded to the Frenchwoman Sophie Darq for


, the Fauve of the series to the Spaniard Alvaro Martinez Bueno and the American James Tynion IV for

The Nice House on the Lake

, or the Fauve revelation to the French Matthieu Chiara for

The Embarrassed Man


The Fauve d'Honneur was awarded to Japanese mangaka Moto Hogio for all of her work. The prestigious Grand Prix de la Ville d'Angoulême was awarded on Wednesday to the British Posy Simmonds, pioneer of the graphic novel, whose two great successes are

Gemma Bovery

(1999) and

Tamara Drewe



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