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The Fuderheuberg in Upper Bavaria


ROHA photo library Fürmann / Shotshop / IMAGO

A 49-year-old man slipped on a mountain near Bad Reichenhall in Upper Bavaria while hunting and died. As the police announced, the Hesse man was hunting with a 30-year-old from Lower Saxony on Friday when he shot a chamois.

The animal that was hit slid around 50 meters down a gully on Fuderheuberg, and the hunter climbed down the steep gully after his prey. He fell around 60 meters into the rocky, tree-filled area and came to rest after 200 meters.

According to police, the man managed to make an emergency call. However, the emergency doctor was later able to confirm his death on site. The dead man was rescued by the police's Alpine task force using a helicopter and with the support of the mountain rescue service.

A police mountain guide, under the direction of the public prosecutor's office, began investigating the cause of the accident on Friday. The companion was looked after by the mountain rescue service's crisis intervention service.
