Xinhua News Agency, Yinchuan, January 27 (Xinhua) Reporters recently learned from relevant departments of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region that after the "6·21" extremely large gas explosion accident at the Fuyang BBQ restaurant in Yinchuan, Ningxia, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it, and immediately responded to rescue and rescue operations. Make arrangements for aftermath handling and accident investigation. The public security organs of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region opened a case for investigation on 15 persons involved in suspected illegal crimes. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission of the Ministry of Emergency Management, etc., in accordance with their cadre management authority and in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws, seriously held accountable 66 public officials suspected of violating disciplines and laws during the accident.

  Fifteen people including Zhang Hongxian, the actual controller of Fuyang BBQ Restaurant, Zhang Xiaodong, the legal representative of Ningxia Longjiang Clean Energy Co., Ltd., Ma Jinli, the legal representative of Ningxia Bolan Energy Co., Ltd., and Zhou Zhiguo, the legal representative of Ningxia Guohua Testing Technology Co., Ltd., are suspected of major responsibilities. The crime of accident was opened for investigation by the public security organs, and 11 of them have been arrested by the procuratorate.

  Li Yongning, former member of the Standing Committee of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Li Zhi, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Yinchuan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Chen Benliang, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Xingqing District Branch of the Yinchuan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Xingqing District Branch of the Yinchuan Municipal Administration for Market Regulation Five public officials, including Liu Jun, the former deputy director, and Zhou Huaiguo, the former section chief of the Special Equipment Section of the Xingqing District Branch of the Yinchuan Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, are undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation on suspicion of serious violations of laws and regulations and job-related crimes.

  At the same time, the Yinchuan Municipal Government, Xingqing District Party Committee and Government, as well as the autonomous region, Yinchuan City, and Xingqing District Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Gas Management), Market Supervision and Management, Commerce, Comprehensive Law Enforcement, and Administration, who had dereliction of duty in the accident, 61 public officials from the approval, public security, fire and rescue departments took serious action. Among them, Ma Hanwen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Autonomous Region Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Li Youjun, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director, and Zhao Yujun, Director of the Urban Construction Department were dismissed from their party positions and removed from government affairs; Yang Shaohua, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Market Supervision and Administration of the Autonomous Region, was revoked from the Party Committee Zhou Jianfu, director of the Special Equipment Bureau of the Autonomous Region Market Supervision and Administration Department, was given the punishment of one-year party probation and removal from the government affairs; Liu Jiafeng, member of the Party Leadership Group of Yinchuan Municipal Government and deputy mayor, Zhang Qingya, secretary of the Xingqing District Party Committee of Yinchuan City, Deng Yanlin, deputy secretary of the Xingqing District Party Committee and District Mayor, and Yan Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Xingqing District Committee and deputy district chief, were dismissed from their party positions and removed from government affairs; the director of the Culture, History and Study Committee of the Yinchuan CPPCC (former party secretary of the Yinchuan Municipal Administration Bureau, Director) Zhang Xinmin, and member of the Party Leadership Group of Yinchuan Municipal Administration and Deputy Director Niu Dongxue were placed on party probation for two years and removed from government affairs; Zhang Weijun, director of Yinchuan Heating and Gas Service Center, and deputy directors Liang Anping and Hou Songmao were revoked from their party positions and removed from government affairs. Punishment: Hou Jie, deputy section chief of the Industry Management Section of Yinchuan Heating and Gas Service Center, was given a serious warning within the party (with an impact period of two years) and administrative removal from his post; Huang Tao, chief of the market supervision section of Yinchuan Heating and Gas Service Center, was given administrative punishment of removal. Other relevant responsible persons will be given party disciplinary and government sanctions or admonitions respectively.

  After the accident, the Party Committee and Government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and instructions and the instructions and requirements of the central leaders, actively and steadily carried out accident rescue and aftermath treatment, and comprehensively carried out a comprehensive investigation and rectification of hidden production safety hazards in the region. , convened a plenary session of the autonomous region party committee with the theme of production safety, reviewed and issued a series of documents on production safety, and paid close attention to the implementation of production safety responsibilities. After the Party Central Committee and the State Council made decisions on the handling of the accident, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee quickly convened a standing committee meeting to implement and deeply reflect, punish and hold accountable all responsible persons in strict accordance with regulations and disciplines, deepen the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, and consolidate safety. Production responsibility, and make arrangements for further promoting the modernization of the production safety management system and governance capabilities.