The shocking story of the Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft, which transported Ukrainian prisoners before their planned exchange and was shot down by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the skies over the Belgorod region, did not become an icy shower and a moment of truth and insight neither for Kyiv, nor for Ukrainian society, nor for Western curators and sponsors of the “anti-Russia” project.

It would seem that this time an epiphany could not help but happen, since everything is too obvious and there is nothing to hide. Even in comparison with all the most terrible previous events in the Ukrainian conflict zone, this time something devilishly extraordinary happened. Namely, an action that absorbs all the darkest, basest and inhumane things that a person who has lost his human appearance is capable of.

An act of international terrorism was committed, during which the Ukrainian side destroyed not only a Russian plane with its crew and accompanying persons, but also killed its citizens.

In addition, the Ukrainian command indirectly admitted to the defeat of the plane - they did not dare to quickly come up with the idea that it was the Russian military that shot down their own, Russian plane.

Well, what else is needed after this to understand who committed this terrorist attack, to name the culprits at the international level and bring them to justice? It seems that there is a situation that excludes multiple interpretations and the slightest ambiguity.

Let us list the irrefutable facts once again.

So, we know where the missiles came from (from the territory of the Kharkov region), black boxes were found, and traces of destructive elements were found on the wreckage of the fuselage. In addition, there are lists of the dead and there is documentary evidence that the Ukrainian side was notified in advance about the Il-76 flight and who it was carrying and why.

The whole history of the disaster is in full view.

However, the information war, where there is a battle of narratives, has its own laws and logic, just like a diplomatic war. For the whole army of those who are today waging an information and diplomatic war against Russia, what actually happened in the Belgorod region does not matter at all.

The enemy, in assessing everything that is happening in the conflict zone, initially proceeds from the presumption of Russia’s guilt and, accordingly, the innocence of Ukraine, which, according to the enemy, can never commit anything criminal or illegal. Therefore, the task of those who are on the other side of the world’s barricades is to make sure that everything in the end looks exactly the opposite: not as it actually happened. You just need to get creative and try to come up with some version that would justify launching a missile from Ukrainian territory and shift the arrows to Moscow.

If you can’t do this directly, then you can go another way. Not to unwind, but, on the contrary, to wind up this story, to create a fog, they say, you won’t understand anything here. Create a conspiracy of silence in the world media and on international platforms, so that the tragedy in the Belgorod region is forgotten as soon as possible, so that it drowns in the flow of other news.

The task is not easy, but solvable.

It was according to this scenario, prescribed by the laws of information and diplomatic warfare, that a hasty international cover operation was carried out for Kyiv, which committed an act of state terrorism. In this operation, which was carried out on the fly, since this story took everyone by surprise, nevertheless, everything was planned out like clockwork.

After Moscow requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with the crash of the Il-76, France, which chairs the UN Security Council, refused to hold a meeting without delay, postponing it for a whole day. The call of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for the French presidency to “conscientiously fulfill its duties and schedule a meeting as soon as possible” was ignored.

This was done in order to gain time and give the Ukrainian side one more day to come up with some version that would allow them to blame Russia for everything.

In general, the once glorious French diplomacy has descended to petty fraud.

Washington also actively joined in the conspiracy of silence. The US State Department issued a statement, the meaning of which was that there are Russian and Ukrainian versions, of which nothing is clear yet, so the United States is monitoring the situation and waiting for new information (what information, one might ask, is still needed?). At the same time, Vedant Patel, deputy head of the State Department press service, confidently stated that the United States was in no way involved in the disaster.

Meanwhile, the UN Security Council meeting in New York, which took place one day late, on Friday night Moscow time, became one of the most shameful in its history. At the meeting, everything imaginable and unimaginable was done to avoid discussion on the merits and to fence off Kyiv.

In her speech at the UN Security Council meeting, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Kristina Gayovyshyn did not voice a single thesis that would indicate Kyiv’s non-involvement. According to her, “the Ukrainian authorities are studying all the circumstances of the crash and the fate of all prisoners of war.” The Ukrainian diplomat accused Russia of not ensuring the safety of the flight (that is, presumably, according to Kristina Gayovyshyn, Moscow’s fault is that Russian air defenses did not shoot down the Ukrainian missile).

Another Ukrainian accusation was addressed to the Federal Security Service - they say that the FSB did not allow rescuers to inspect the crash site and, according to Ukrainian intelligence, only five bodies were delivered to the morgue in Belgorod.

Commenting on this speech, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, called him “paranoid and delusional.” “I’ll just say that, apparently, the instruction that my colleague received was to continue to lie and shield the Kiev regime,” said Dmitry Polyansky.

What about the UN leadership? It also joined the conspiracy of silence, openly playing on the side of Kyiv and the West and dropping the reputation of the leading international organization even lower.

“We understand that both Russia and Ukraine are conducting their own investigations and that Ukraine has requested an international investigation. The UN is not able to verify reports about the circumstances of the crash,” UN Deputy Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said during a Security Council meeting convened at Russia’s initiative.

In turn, the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stephane Dujarric said that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) does not have the authority to investigate the incident with the Il-76. “I have been in contact with our colleagues at ICAO, who have noted that this is a military aircraft, so they do not have the mechanism or jurisdiction to investigate,” said Stéphane Dujarric.

In general, the bottom line is that the story seems to be incomprehensible, everyone has their own truth in it, and there is no one and no need to get to the bottom of the truth. Therefore there is nothing more to talk about.

All duty statements have been made.

“We deeply regret that representatives of international organizations, in the spirit of the most blatant double standards, bashfully refuse to comment on what happened,” Dmitry Polyansky responded to the attempts of the UN leadership to shield Kyiv.

In general, after the IL-76 disaster, we observed a diplomatic disaster in New York. We saw the collapse of the crashed world diplomacy and its smoking wreckage.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.