• Rubiales Case: there is no World Cup without a kiss; It's just that some are cool and others can be a crime.

  • The girls at the Santa Mónica high school defend being called whores because it is a tradition. Ablation too, and that does not mean we are going to respect it

Once again, the

Carlos Vermut case,

accused by three women of having committed

sexual violence

against them in the past, has dusted off (if it had had time to gather dust) the controversy over what is and what is not


. And also about what the limit of 'sexually correct' is. If in the case of

Jenni Hermoso

many defended the former coach


- including himself - with the argument that 'it was only a piquito' (establishing on their own that a 'piquito' is a measure of little), it is clear that many men They will feel reflected in Vermut today and, by empathic extension, they will feel like victims of an unjust

persecution of men

through distortion of facts and false accusations. We are facing a new shock to the antiphallic epidemic, you will think.

Because this didn't happen before.

And it's not that it didn't happen that a


could feel

uncomfortable, harassed or bothered

by having to star in a sexual scene in which she didn't want to participate... It's just that it didn't occur to that same woman that this would be reportable. Not even newsworthy. And none of us ever agreed on the degree of violence that our sexual relations were going to have


And of course, it didn't cross any man's mind (tell

Harvey Weinstein)

that a woman could decide to go around airing those stories. What happened in your house or mine stayed in your house or mine.

All or almost all women of several generations have had to give an

unwanted kiss

or a


to avoid receiving it on the porch of our house on a Saturday night; All or almost all of us have endured a


who tried to

abuse his power

and sell us a movie to end up fornicating with us. All of us, or almost all of us, have gone up to a man's house who has invited us to 'watch a movie' and they have all tried to get hold of us. And all of us, or almost all of us, knew beforehand that that was exactly what was going to happen. All of us, or almost all of us, have been pressured to have sexual relations when perhaps we were only fantasizing about romantic kisses; All of us, or almost all of us, have agreed to have sexual relations in a way that was not what we would have preferred.

It was normal.

Having a


make sexual advances on


was normal. Having a stranger make comments about your body on the street was normal. Having someone who took you out dancing in a nightclub

would touch your ass

was normal. That most men believed firmly in the saying that "when a woman says no, she really means yes" was normal. That men spoke disparagingly about women when you were in front of them, but as if you weren't, was normal. That we women did not talk about our sexual experiences, whether they were satisfactory or terrifying, was normal.

So it is not surprising that all the Carlos Vermuts in the world cannot come out of their amazement right now. It's just that the movie has changed. And it turns out that she is no longer mute. Like when 'The Jazz Singer' was released in 1927 and inaugurated talkies. And a new normal.