Sébastien Bordenave // ​​Credits: YOHAN BONNET / AFP 10:26 a.m., January 26, 2024

- The Angoulême International Comics Festival opened to the public this Thursday. Briton Posy Simmonds won the Grand Prix for her entire career. The prize for best comic book album of the year, the Fauve d'or, will be awarded this Friday. Who will be the lucky winner this year? Europe 1 reveals its predictions to you. 

It's time for the Fauve d'or in Angoulême. Last year it was a virtual unknown, Martin Panchaud, who won the prize for best comic of the year for his album, as brilliant as it was atypical, which subsequently sold more than 58,000 copies. For the 2024 edition, the jury responsible for awarding the Fauve d'or is prestigious. Thomas Bangalter, one of the two Daft Punk, will chair the committee composed in particular of Aurélie Saada, former member of the group Brigitte.

A heavy responsibility which continues to distress Aurélie Saada. “How it happens that I accepted something like this, I'm totally crazy! I fall madly in love with people who draw. I have a particular sensitivity for stories and for drawing,” confesses the singer. 


 Catherine Meurisse, comic book author

45 comics in competition

The jury will have the difficult task of choosing a winner from among the 45 comics in competition. Among its favorites, Europe 1 counts 


and his dark historical fresco of the dark hours of Brazil signed Mathias Lehmann.

The daronnes of

Yeong Shin Ma also hold a good place in our predictions. The album features fifty-year-old Korean women who, with a little sake, reveal a lot about the cowardice of their husbands.


 from Daniel Clows did not win the Grand Prix this year, but she could well console herself with a Fauve d'or.