France is faced with a choice.

This has already happened in the history of this country.

Russian parliamentarians recalled this.

State Duma deputies adopted an appeal to the French National Assembly due to the participation of French mercenaries in hostilities in Ukraine.

The fork in the road is quite complicated, given the current inertia that surrounds the Western world, where dogmatism and the dictates of one point of view rule.

However, if they can remember themselves, their history, then many answers will be on the surface.

This is a question of national self-identification.

But here’s the problem: in modern times there is a widespread shortage of memory, which leads to catastrophic consequences.

A clinical example of unconsciousness is Ukraine, where memory completely atrophied, which was replaced by the inspired image of a monster.

“Today we must answer ourselves, our voters: who are we dealing with when we talk about France and the French?”

- says the address of Russian deputies.

There are two options: “With the ideological heirs of the legendary French President General de Gaulle, with the great-grandsons of the heroic pilots of the Normandy-Niemen aviation regiment, who defeated the Nazis together with our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, or with supporters of the criminal collaborator Marshal Pétain and with the SS men of the Charlemagne division.” , who unsuccessfully tried to defend their Nazi masters at the walls of the Berlin Reichstag?

By answering this question, we will understand “why the French are dying on Ukrainian soil today.”

For what?

For a united Europe and its expansion at the expense of the eastern lands?

For the final solution to the “Russian question”?

For ousting and dismantling Russia?

But this has already happened, and this is the line of Pétain, who stood under the German banners of a united Europe and gathered the “Anti-Bolshevik Legion” to help Hitler.

The current one turned into mercenaries in Kharkov.

But where is de Gaulle, where is free and sovereign France, capable of pursuing an independent policy, its spirit of resistance?

Lost somewhere, forgotten, crushed in the current powerful embrace of the Americanized Western world?

All that's left is a wrapper with a picture of the Eiffel Tower, and inside is the stench of Parisian dungeons?

Or is modern France all in the excitement of the race among the leaders of the current escalation - to be the first and best among the defenders of democratic values?

After all, the West is only externally monolithic, internally it is heterogeneous and hierarchical.

Or do they instinctively strive for possible profit?

In Ukraine, or in Russia.

In order to have time to stake out possible future claims and areas of interest.

It feels like Paris is now being drawn to the post-Soviet space like a magnet, and I’m literally drooling.

Why did it happen?

There are many questions.

And the State Duma’s appeal to its colleagues is not a stream of accusations, not an attempt to convince them of something or win them over to its side, but rather a formulation of issues fundamental in the current situation.

There is still a choice.

Here is another one that is on the surface, but it takes courage to formulate it for yourself.

In France, where the spirit of de Gaulle has almost disappeared, and Pétain is at every turn, there is a great shortage of this.

Therefore, Russian deputies help with the formulations: “Who is trying with all their might to drag France, which has a serious nuclear potential, into a regional military confrontation that threatens to develop into a catastrophe on a universal scale?”

In light of such prospects, is the current rampant anti-Russian bias really worth it?

Or do they believe that it is enough to close your eyes to obvious things and reality will adapt to the created image?

But this, like unconsciousness, is a direct road not only to arming the Ukrainian monster, mercenary activity, but also to outright cannibalism.

Devout adherents of the Kyiv regime themselves are gradually acquiring its features and habits.

As Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, noted, if France “does not want to be considered an accomplice in the war crimes of the Kyiv regime, it must conduct a full investigation of the participation of its citizens in hostilities in order to suppress any forms of mercenarism in Ukraine.

Including, possibly, in the format of a parliamentary investigation.”

But in Europe they don’t want to deal with anything yet.

Neither with the causes of the current Ukrainian crisis and the actions of the Kyiv regime, nor with the investigation of the Nord Stream explosions.

Neither understand, nor remember history and oneself in it, nor analyze, nor model an image of the near future.

They don't want to and they can't.

Because France and Europe itself are now in a grave crisis, in a dead end, which they found themselves in, following the lead of the States, and also being euphoric from the feeling of being at the top of the civilizational pyramid.

Therefore, now there are no new thoughts, no ideas, no projects for the future.

One self-confidence.

Of all that they can offer, only the general system.

And then - where they will send you.

The same mercenaries.

By the way, mercenaryism is a great image for the Old World.

A mercenary is someone you don’t feel sorry for.

Even his homeland does not feel sorry for him, because he himself became without a clan and tribe.

What if the state becomes a mercenary?

And many people have this prospect, especially those who have lost their sovereignty and are marching in formation.

But we must remember that a mercenary is not a subject of history, but simply a consumable item.

It is used and sacrificed on occasion.

If we honestly and balancedly answer the questions formulated by Russian parliamentarians, we can come to a clear and simple conclusion: that the danger is not in Russia at all, it was not Russia that undermined the architecture of European security, and therefore the goal of its strategic defeat declared by the West only aggravates the situation.

The current Ukrainian crisis must be curtailed simultaneously with the liquidation of the most destructive project, which poses a danger to everyone.

This is the mission that Russia is now carrying out, which, according to the text of the State Duma’s address to the French National Assembly, “will create the preconditions for the construction of a new security architecture on our continent, which will serve everyone without exception while maintaining the full equality of all countries and peoples.”

The main obstacle on this path is the cancer of NATO, which has become a form of external control of Europe.

Back in 1998, the outstanding Russian thinker Alexander Panarin wrote that in the future, the expansion of the alliance is “no less dangerous for Europe than for Russia.”

Including because expansion “is a process of consolidating the Americanization of Europe.”

And if we talk about the long term, this “weakens the status of the West in the world, because it reduces the flexibility and diversity of its strategies.”

We are faced with all this now.

With the plague of the 20th century, which came to us in even more aggressive forms without any restrictions.

Only a movement of resistance can stop it.

It’s time for France to wake up from the sleep of the Peten mind.

It's not too late yet.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.