A credit bureau has revealed that the number of bankruptcies of home care providers in the past year was 67, the highest ever.

The research company attributes this to a serious shortage of helpers and rising fuel costs, and analyzes that ``competition with other industries to acquire human resources is fierce, and it will continue to be difficult to resolve the labor shortage.'' .

According to Tokyo Shoko Research, 67 visiting care providers went bankrupt last year, an increase of 34% from 50 the previous year.

This is the highest number ever since the survey began in 2000, exceeding the previous record of 58 in 2019.

In addition, there were 122 bankruptcies of all nursing care providers, including nursing care facilities and day care services, which was the second highest on record, although it was down 14.6% from the previous year, which was the highest number ever.

By cause, ``slump in sales'' was the most common cause at 92, due to competition with major operators and a decrease in users due to a shortage of helpers, while analyzes also attributed to factors such as the aging of helpers and rising fuel costs. .

Furthermore, in addition to bankruptcies, 510 nursing care providers closed down, closed, or dissolved last year, setting a record high.

Tokyo Shoko Research says, ``Although it is expected that the revision of nursing care fees will lead to improvements in wages and other treatment in some areas, the fierce competition to acquire human resources with other industries such as the restaurant industry continues to make it difficult to resolve the shortage of helpers. ” is analyzed.