David Lema

Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-00:16

Reading the biography

Feijóo's Journey.

The village boy who never lost an election

(La Esfera de los Libros), written by the journalist

Fran Balado

, I remembered that the 2012 campaign was the "Galicia, Galicia, Galicia."

You know, that of Galicia first and no trace of the acronym of the PP, which "ended up becoming an electoral classic."

But that


is no longer this Feijóo.

At that time, the national leader, a certain Rajoy, supported the regional leader, they even split up in the events, and that did not imply the subordination of speech that

Alfonso Rueda

endures today .

Balado says that in 2012 Feijóo spent the night of putting up posters repeating the slogan and he also says, let's get to that, that that year he crossed the pond to ask for

the emigration vote in Argentina and Uruguay


In Argentina there are 166,289 Galicians registered electorally, of pure or middle or even third-class strain, but Galicians for these purposes.

There is no major diaspora.

Buenos Aires was baptized

the fifth province


The Galician nucleus is smaller in Cuba, with 45,672, and Brazil, with another 45,391, and then Uruguay, Switzerland and Venezuela appear with 30,000.

Feijóo's trip had a lot of symbolic importance because the foreign vote had cost him a seat in the 2009 elections. And before, in 2005, the

Fraga who went to Cuba in the 90s to prepare queimadas for Fidel

suffered his end after seeing that That vote drew a tie between

the Popular Party

and the Socialists in Pontevedra - in 2001 he had won 8,000 from them.

Emigrant Galicians represented more than 11% of the electorate, and 30% exercised their right.

The requested vote did not exist.

There is a very graphic chronicle by Xosé Hermida that explains why the requested vote was formulated in 2011. Fraga was in a luxurious hotel in Montevideo, with senior leaders of his


, and one shared confidences with journalists.

Year 2005. "I am very worried about the vote," he said, "the PSOE is in the Government and

I am afraid that it will make a big change in the ballot boxes


They asked him: "How do you know that this can be done?"

The politician, Hermida says, changed the subject.

And the bipartite was born.

With the requested vote, the external vote exercised since 2011 has been negligible.

But with its recent elimination it is worth remembering that on 18-F 476,514 more Galicians will be able to vote, who will be inundated with electoral documentation.

Today the emigrant vote represents 17.69%. An outrage


After so many new generations abroad, and with the Xunta hanging on half a seat, the question is who it will go to.

And I'm not going to guess, of course, but be careful with the pout!