With the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Law, it became possible to ride electric scooters without a driver's license since July last year.The number of traffic violations committed by users of electric scooters increased to 1,879 last month, more than quadrupling in six months. The National Police Agency is urging people to comply with the rules, as they may lead to serious accidents.

In July of last year, the revised Road Traffic Act went into effect, allowing people aged 16 and over to ride electric scooters without a driver's license, provided they meet certain standards such as maximum speed and body size. I did.

According to the National Police Agency, in the six months from the enforcement of the revised law to the end of last month, there were 7,130 cases nationwide in which electric scooter users were arrested for traffic violations.

▽ ``Traffic classification violations'' such as entering the sidewalk without switching to a speed reduction mode were the most common at 3,440 cases, followed by

Ignoring traffic lights at 2,685 cases

, ▽ Not stopping temporarily at 463 cases, and

▽ Driving under the influence of alcohol at 37 cases. That means there was a case.

Looking at the number of violations by month

, there are 405 violations in July

, 689 violations in August

, 923 violations in September, 1384 violations

in October,

1850 violations in November

, and 1879 violations last month,

which shows an increase in the number of users. In the six months since the revised law came into effect, the number of cases has more than quadrupled.

There were 85 personal injury accidents, none of which resulted in death, but 5 of which resulted in serious injuries.

The National Police Agency is calling on users to abide by the rules, stating that violations could lead to serious accidents.