The famous French critic and writer Emmanuel Todd (Wikipedia)

Over the past two weeks, the famous French critic and writer, Emmanuel Todt, has turned into a television star in France, after announcing the publication of his new book, “The Defeat of the West,” at the beginning of this year. He was hosted by visual media, and many newspapers conducted interviews with him in order to talk about his new baby. The controversial.

The book caused confusion in Western circles, especially in terms of its prediction, once again, of a number of topics that are considered destabilizing to Western certainty, similar to the previous expectations that he made in his books in the past, and which shook world public opinion after they were realized, including the collapse of the Soviet Union.

That's why his new book is receiving so much attention today.

That war turned into a drain on Western funds and weapons, especially when Washington underestimated Russia's ability to resist, and in return overestimated its capabilities and those of the European continent alike, implicating Ukraine in that war.

In his new book, Todd says that “the West today is not stable, but rather it is sick,” especially after it fell into the trap that the United States set for Russia in Ukraine since 2005. At that time, the West created the conditions for the emergence of extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalism since 2014, implicating Russia in the war against Ukraine and NATO in 2022.

In his view, the day Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the entry of his country’s forces into Ukrainian territory, it was not only for the right to determine the fate of the people of Donbass, but also to challenge NATO, which chose to expand its structure in Ukraine. Putin insisted that his war was "Self-defense", but the West rejected this idea and marketed other ideas.

Over time, this war turned into a drain on Western funds and weapons, especially when Washington underestimated Russia's ability to resist, and in return overestimated both its capabilities and the capabilities of the European continent, implicating Ukraine in that war.

Instead of dismantling Russia, the war turned into a process of attrition, the price of which is today being paid by the Europeans themselves.

Therefore, Todd expects the defeat of NATO in Ukraine, and considers that the war would push towards a new Russian-German rapprochement, as a result of Washington’s failure to distance the two most important major powers in Europe, especially since their economies (Russia and Germany) are considered, today and in the future, a complement to the first. For the second.

In his view, the best thing that can happen to Europe today is “the disappearance of the United States,” because Europe will thus live in peace after the collapse of “oligarchy liberalism,” which he describes as “the immoral ruling class of politicians and geopolitics in America.”

The book's methodology stems from the analysis of economic and demographic figures, as well as from reading social indicators, which led the author to say that Europeans are on their way to "zero marriage," giving an example of European society heading toward "zero marriage" as a result of adopting "same-sex marriage" laws, which is what For him, it represents: a “break” with the culture of religiosity that will lead, over time, to “the eradication of religion,” as the main element of the “imminent collapse of the West.”

American and European analyzes underestimated Russia's ability to adapt to the sanctions, and promised to destroy its Russian economy. Ministers and officials in the European Union and the United States said that the sanctions imposed on Russian banks and their blocking of the SWIFT system would make them kneel.

Likewise, as the French writer believes, the Ukrainian war caused a number of surprises to the entire world, which are as follows:

  • The outbreak of war in the “Oasis of Security and Peace”: He says that the outbreak of war on the European continent is an unprecedented event since World War II for the Europeans, who believed that their lands were stable after a permanent peace, which was established by the European Union with its various military, financial and diplomatic institutions.

  • American containment is shifting from China to Russia: Todd notes that Washington ignited the war against Russia, not China, even though it, with its Republican and Democratic parties, had considered China to be their main enemy for more than a decade, but suddenly it turned to opposing Russia through Ukraine.

  • The flexibility of the Russian economy contrary to expectations: American and European analyzes underestimated Russia's ability to adapt to the sanctions, and promised to destroy its Russian economy. Ministers and officials in the European Union and the United States said that the sanctions imposed on Russian banks and blocking them from the "SWIFT" system will make them kneel.

    But the governor of the Russian Central Bank and its team, in cooperation with Chinese networks, refuted this, according to Todd, and the world discovered that Russia enjoyed great economic and social flexibility.

  • The collapse of European will and the decline of its independence: European policy was reduced to the duo of France and Germany, in a balanced manner since the 2008 crisis, but with time Germany was no longer obedient to what France said.

    Also during the war, Germany and the European Union abandoned any desire to defend its interests.

    Surprisingly, Germany cut itself off from Russian energy supplies and withdrew its companies from the Russian economy: its multi-billion-dollar trading partner. It also imposed sanctions on itself, and condoned the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines (1 and 2) to supply its industries with energy, so this was directed against it. As much as it is directed against Russia.

    As for France, the influence of Paris evaporated over time under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron, and Poland became Washington’s main agent in Europe. The “Paris-Berlin” axis was replaced by the “London-Warsaw” axis, and Europe then became a subordinate with disintegrated authority and no decision-making power in favor of Washington.

Todd believes that this prophecy of the West's defeat is about to be fulfilled, because of the United States, which is endangering the balance of the planet as a result of its collision with the resistance of Russia as a classic and conservative nationalist state, which was once a Soviet communist state, and then rose as a striking military power.

  • British enthusiasm to continue the war: The United Kingdom emerged as a military force against Russia, as it is one of the European countries most enthusiastic about continuing the conflict, sending long-range missiles and heavy tanks to Ukraine, which inflamed the war and caused it to escalate in a significant way.

  • The Scandinavian countries aspire to NATO membership: After the countries neighboring Russia for a long time were of a peaceful mood and more inclined to neutrality, Norway and Denmark turned into military zones allied with the United States, while Finland and Sweden requested to join NATO, and showed a new interest in armaments that were Muffled before the war in Ukraine.

  • Lack of arms production in America: Todd believes that the first dominant military power in the world, in June 2023, explicitly revealed the weakness of its military industries, so it was unable to guarantee the supply of missiles and missiles to Ukraine, while Russia was able to produce a larger quantity of weapons. From the entire Western world.

    According to Todd, this represents a double crisis: firstly for the Ukrainian army, which is losing the war, and secondly in terms of the lies and slander of Western analyzes of an ideological nature, considering that the concept of gross domestic product as a standard for measuring military power is now a thing of the past.

  • The West is ideologically isolated: The West isolated itself from the demographic majority of the world, such as Africa, Latin America, China, and India, (two-thirds of the world), as a result of dictating the values ​​it imposed and assumed that the world was forced to adhere to them, and in parallel that the entire planet would share the West’s discontent with Russia and its behavior.

    But that did not happen, as African, Asian, and South American diplomacy witnessed unprecedented support for Russia, and a Turkish and Arab commitment to neutrality.

    Not to mention that the South is gradually switching to national currencies and the Chinese yuan in order to get rid of the dominance of the dollar in commercial operations.

  • The defeat of the West: Todd believes that this prophecy is about to come true, because of the United States, which is endangering the balance of the planet as a result of its collision with the resistance of Russia as a classic and conservative nationalist state, which was once a Soviet communist state, then rose as a striking military power.

    This is why Todd believes that Russia is not the problem itself today, as it is a vast land with a decreasing population, and has no desire to control the world. Rather, it believes in balance and demands a multipolar international system.