Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-00:16

The legislative project that Minister Ernest Urtasun has presented in Congress reveals his conception of culture as an ideological instrument with which to deepen the division between Spaniards.

The plan to review the supposed

"colonial framework"

of museums and the creation of a General Directorate of Cultural Rights that will fight against "censorship" not only start from false premises, but also confirm the desire of the radical left (Sumar) for subdue the intellectual creation

to, necessarily free, to

sieve of a state ideology


The idea of ​​"decolonizing" art collections is not new.

The former minister

Michael Iceta

, socialist, has already raised it, and several European countries have readapted their museums and even returned pieces that were looted from them to their former colonies.

However, the Spanish case does not allow comparison.

It is enough to approach History rigorously to verify that, unlike France or Belgium - which Urtasun gives as an example -,

Spain was not a plundering power.

In the 19th century it was not even an empire anymore.

And the few cases of pieces in dispute mostly have legitimate sales or donation titles.

The revisionism that underlies Urtasun's speech is not due, however, to an error or ignorance, but rather connects with the

indigenist and ethnicist currents

that have gained space in the reactionary left around the world.

In the Spanish case, the alliance between disruptive nationalism and confederalizing socialism is added.

: the presentation of Spain as a repressive country

It is consistent with the historical falsification that the Government has bought from Junts and ERC.

The objective is to weaken the cultural heritage shared by all Spaniards.

In short, breaking, also in this way, the fiber that unites the country as a whole.

That the Ministry is going to monitor the alleged cases of censorship that Urtasun perceives substantially in the administrations governed by the right is another proof of the

dogmatic obsession with controlling culture.

It seems necessary to remember that the fact that a city council does not program a play for ideological reasons is obviously denounceable, but it is not censorship.

With this initiative

, the Executive insists on dictating a binary morality - again, a State morality -

according to which the most debatable expressions of her political rivals must be silenced, while those corresponding to her space - the latest example is the actress Itziar Ituño and her defense of the release of ETA prisoners - are always protected by freedom of expression. expression.

It is not up to the Government to act as a judge of culture.

On the contrary, its role is not to restrict the freedom of creators.

It would also be expected that he would not treat citizens as children incapable of their own judgment.


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