BD: Briton Posy Simmonds crowned Grand Prix in Angoulême

The British Posy Simmonds was awarded the Grand Prize this Wednesday, January 24 at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, an award for an original work in the graphic novel.

Posy Simmonds is, beneath a discreet exterior, a formidable observer and moralist of modern life.


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After the

Frenchman Riad Sattouf last year

, it is a British septuagenarian who is crowned Grand Prix of the city of Angoulême.

On the eve of the opening of the international comics festival, voters, comic book authors, chose Posy Simmonds.

The author of

Gemma Bovery

is the first Briton and the fifth woman in 50 years to receive this prize, the most prestigious in the ninth art.

The author, aged 78, was unable to travel to France.

But in a thank you message read on stage by her editor, she said she was “ 

delighted, surprised, stunned, deeply delighted to receive this honor



It is an honor and a pleasure to join the cohort of previous winners


The Englishwoman, already president of the jury at the Angoulême Festival in 2017, is, beneath her discreet British 


a formidable observer and moralist of modern life.

A satirist who uses drawing to sketch with caustic humor the failings of the bourgeoisie or the intellectual and artistic world.

It has nearly thirty titles, including numerous illustrated books for young people.

It was at the major British daily The Guardian that she made her name in 1972 as an illustrator.


I didn’t campaign other than through my drawings

,” she says.

For eight years, Posy Simmonds recounts the existence of a left-wing family who resemble the readers of the newspaper.

This daughter of a wealthy farmer demonstrates a great sense of observation, a taste for detail in the service of a caustic look at customs and the contemporary world.

And it is three modern women who will make her known to a wider public and comic book readers: Gemma Bovary, contemporary transposition of Gustave Flaubert's heroine, then Tamara Drewe, inspired by a novel by the British Thomas Hardy, and finally

Cassandra Darke, an unattractive old lady

... Three anti-heroines who aspire to conquer their freedom in a world still dominated by men.


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