“Anatomy of a Fall”, the beautiful journey of a French film from Cannes to the Oscars

Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, awarded at the Golden Globes in Hollywood, selected in five categories at the Oscars,

Anatomy of a Fall

is also among the César favorites.

Director Justien Triet (left) and actress Sandra Hüller on the set of the film “Anatomy of a Fall”.


By: Isabelle Chenu Follow


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This Wednesday morning, the César Academy, which awards French cinema awards each year, made public the list of films that came first in the first round of voting.


Anatomy of a Fall

, by director Justine Triet, won eleven nominations just behind the film

The Animal Kingdom

by Thomas Cailley which won twelve.

Anatomy of Falling

is once again at the head of the pack after being nominated in five categories including best film, best director, best screenplay and best actress at the Hollywood Oscars.

Since winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2023, the film has had an exemplary run, particularly internationally.

Which is quite rare for a French film.


French cinema is not in the spotlight so often and with such intensity.

We are perhaps a little more happy about it than usual because of the upset meeting in Cannes in May 2023. The comments exchanged at the time between the French government and the director had dampened the mood.

On the podium, Justine Triet dedicated her triumph to the voiceless, those who had fought against pension reform;

she also denounced the commodification of Culture.

These comments were deemed inappropriate, unfair and ungrateful by the former Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul-Malak, who highlighted the mass of public money invested by the French state in cinema.

The former Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, even said that she would not go to see the film.

A few weeks later, there was another feature film,

The Passion of Dodin Bouffant

, a film about love and French cuisine, by Franco-Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung, with Juliette Binoche and Benoît Magimel who was

chosen to represent France at the Oscars


At the time, this choice was seen as an insult to Justine Triet.

The public responded

The public was also there.

Almost 1.5 million spectators have gone to see the film in theaters since its release at the end of August.

It's a lot for a film shot in French and English, without a French star, even if Sandra Hüller is a huge German actress.

It is undoubtedly the subject of the film and the way in which it is treated which is striking.

Anatomy of a Fall

recounts the trial of a woman whose husband was found dead, apparently having fallen from the roof.

Accidental fall or argument?

The only witnesses are their visually impaired son and his dog.

Through the trial of this woman, the director examines the male-female roles within a couple, the power relationships, the unsaid, money, success, jealousy, sexual freedom.

What do we ultimately blame this woman for?

Perhaps to have assigned to herself the place in the couple that men generally occupy?

The screenplay was written jointly by Justine Triet and her partner, himself a director and actor, Arthur Harari, and that is undoubtedly why it rings true, because it echoes intimate debates, questions about the relationships between men and women which run through our contemporary societies.

Also read Cannes 2023: “Anatomy of a fall”, director Justine Triet “obsessed” by the falling man


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