Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-09:02

  • MomenTVs The pact between Pablo Motos and Sofía Vergara: "I'm going to tell it"

  • El Hormiguero Sofía Vergara, the "berraca" who made Pablo Motos sweat a lot

Pablo Motos

's interview


Sofía Vergara

on January 8 continues to cause a stir.

It has become a kind of Turkish series that has finally reached its final chapter.

After Pablo Motos

' explanations

last week in which the presenter revealed that the interview with

Sofía Vergara

, which had generated so much controversy and which had gone around the world, was "a pact",

Sofía Vergara

's turn has come. , who in Spain, where she was the days after the interview in question, did not want to say anything, but she did in her homeland, Colombia, where she is promoting the Netflix series


, of which she is the producer and protagonist .


The Anthill.

The pact of Pablo Motos and Sofía Vergara: "I'm going to tell it"

  • Editorial: ESTHER MUCIENTES Madrid

The pact of Pablo Motos and Sofía Vergara: "I'm going to tell it"

Sofía Vergara, the "berraca" who made Pablo Motos sweat a lot

  • Editorial: ESTHER MUCIENTES Madrid

Sofía Vergara, the "berraca" who made Pablo Motos sweat a lot

The interview received a lot of criticism, all of it directed at

Pablo Motos

and a lot of praise, all of it directed at

Sofía Vergara

for the darts, jabs and blows she unleashed on the presenter during the interview.

Such was the controversy that arose around the interview that the international media on the other side of the pond echoed what happened.

The explosion had gotten out of control.

Neither the program, nor the presenter, nor

Sofía Vergara

commented on the matter in the following days until last Thursday,

Antonio Resines

, who was a guest at

El Hormiguero


Jorge Sanz

, blurted it out to

Pablo Motos


It was then that the presenter decided, in an almost unprecedented event, since he almost never enters fully into the controversies or to give explanations about them, he decided to tell everything: "

Sofía Vergara

is coming , we connect very well and I tell her: '


, I saw a interview that Kevin Harten did with you in which you didn't even let him walk. You were hesitating all the time and he was hesitating you. We could act as if we were two old friends.

You hesitate me and I hesitate you


Sofía Vergara accepted the deal and both reached an agreement to do the little theater that turned their interview into one of the best that has ever taken place in

El Hormiguero


"We came down here, we did a great show, we had a great time.

You just have to watch the show, we're having a great time.

The audience laughs. And the next day we got more than 5,000,000 unique viewers And that's all I can say. I try never to read what they say about me, but, apparently, it reached Argentina.

I'm very sorry for all the people who have been bothered by something that never happened

. She never "He got upset,"

Pablo Motos



Despite the presenter's explanations, doubts about the interview continued to hover.

If you add

Pablo Motos

and controversy in the same sentence, it is very difficult to stop it.

The soap opera continued its course until now, until the other person involved,

Sofía Vergara

, has decided to tell her version of the events and stand up for the presenter and the program.

"The interview with


was like friends,

They told me 'to make it funny, mess with him'.

I mean, there is no problem, I have no problem with him, I adore him, I love his program.

"We were teasing each other," said the actress on the program


, thus confirming the version given by

Pablo Motos


One of the program's journalists then let him know that "some disagreements between the two had not sat well with the Latinos," stating that this was the only real reproach of the entire interview.

The journalist told her that many things she told him "have become a flag to defend Latinos," in reference to when they debated in

El Hormiguero

about her accent when speaking in English.

The actress also responded by assuring that

"there are many things that were true, but nothing was malicious, I love him very much

. "


Sofía Vergara

has explained that indeed some parts of the interview were not as prepared as others and that they had their share of truth, but that despite everything her adoration for

Pablo Motos

is maximum.

The actress wanted to make it clear that, although she sought to claim her Latin origin, she did not want to expose the presenter beyond the hesitation they agreed upon.