China News Service, January 23: The State Council Information Office held a press conference on January 23 to introduce the operation of agriculture and rural economy in 2023.

Lei Liugong, director of the Department of Market and Information Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said at the meeting that food is an item we consume every day. Sufficient food supply and continuous improvement in nutrition are the material basis for ensuring people's happy life.

  Lei Liugong introduced that at present, my country's per capita supply of energy, protein and fat has exceeded the world average, but nutritional imbalances and deficiencies are common, which can be summarized as "more" and "less".

"More" means eating too much edible vegetable oils. At present, the per capita cooking oil consumption in our country exceeds the scientific dietary recommendation by more than 40%; "less" means insufficient intake of healthy foods such as milk and dairy products, soybeans and soy products. At present, my country's The annual per capita milk consumption is only one-third of the world average and one-half of the Asian average, far below the recommended dietary allowance of 110-183 kg, and the intake of soybeans and soy products is less than 59% of the recommended amount. , both of which have large room for growth.

  Lei Liugong emphasized that in the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will work with relevant departments to coordinate the construction of a healthy China and an agricultural power, with the goal of meeting the needs of people's high-quality life and high-quality population development, and take a series of measures to promote nutrition and health. Consumption.

  The first is to further promote variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, and increase the supply of green and high-quality products through the development of new soy products, cheese and other healthy and nutritious foods to enrich consumers' dining tables. This is from a production perspective.

  The second is to strengthen supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products, fully implement the certification system for edible agricultural products, and ensure "safety control" so that consumers can eat with confidence. This is from a regulatory perspective.

  The third is to focus on key contents such as "reducing oil and increasing beans", strengthen the popularization of food nutrition science, and guide urban and rural residents to adjust their eating habits and food structure. We must ensure that people can choose, eat, and eat healthily.