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Villa in Neukölln: Police operation in July 2021

Photo: - / dpa

A clan family has once again failed in court with a lawsuit against the eviction of a villa in Berlin.

The Berlin regional court rejected the family's appeal, a court spokeswoman said on Tuesday, without naming names.

According to media reports, they are members of the Remmo clan, whose relatives are accused of numerous crimes.

According to the information, the judgment is not yet legally binding, but is provisionally enforceable.

A deadline for evacuation of the building in the Buckow district was therefore not granted.

With their ruling, the judges confirmed a decision by the Neukölln district court from April 2023. This had granted an eviction action from the Neukölln district.

The Neukölln district court also ordered the Remmo family, of Arab origin, to pay a sum of 6,800 euros for non-payment of rent.

However, a terrace that was subsequently added and a building that was also added did not have to be removed - contrary to the plaintiff's demands.

The building is among 77 properties that the Berlin public prosecutor's office temporarily confiscated in 2018.

Members of the extended Remmo family (also spelled Rammo) are held responsible for significant crimes: for example, the theft of gold coins from the Bode Museum in Berlin in 2017 and the theft of jewelry from the historic Green Vault in Dresden in 2019.
