China News Service, Zhenxiong, January 24th: Title: Landslide site in Zhenxiong, Yunnan: Support from all directions brings a "color" of hope to the disaster area

  China News Service reporters Han Shuainan Liu Ranyang Du Xiaoxiao

  Early on the morning of the 23rd, reporters from China News Agency entered Liangshui Village, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, located deep in Wumeng Mountain.

Snow is falling continuously in the area, and a huge amount of dark brown soil and stones have buried some houses, which contrasts sharply with the colorful wall paintings of Yi, Miao and other ethnic groups on the other side.

  At about 6 o'clock on the 22nd, a landslide occurred in the village, and 18 households in two village groups, Hexing and Heping, were buried.

On January 23, houses were damaged at the landslide site in Liangshui Village, Tangfang Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province.

Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

  On top of the devastated ruins, wearing uniforms of orange, red, white, blue and other colors, rescue forces from all directions are cooperating, conducting rescue operations in an orderly manner, and jointly giving the disaster area a "color" of hope.

  At the rescue site, members of the China Aneng rescue team wearing red rescue uniforms operated excavators and other heavy machinery and equipment to undertake tasks such as excavation of collapse bodies and slag removal.

They and the orange figures of fire rescue personnel carried out rescue operations in a "human-machine combination" manner and jointly searched for missing persons.

  Feng Guangkun, a 29-year-old Shandong boy from the Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture Fire Rescue Detachment, had almost no rest since he rushed to the scene in the early morning of the 23rd.

As the safety officer in this mission, he stood high on the ruins, closely monitoring the mountain conditions to conduct safety assessments, and supervising whether the equipment and operations of the rescuers were in compliance.

On January 23, at the landslide search and rescue site in Liangshui Village, Tangfang Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, human-machine cooperation was conducting search and rescue operations.

Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

  According to the preliminary judgment of the expert team, the disaster was caused by a collapse in the steep cliff area on the top of the slope, with the collapse volume of about 50,000 cubic meters.

There are still unstable dangerous rock masses and surrounding rocks on the top of the landslide mass, and possible secondary landslide damage must be avoided at all times.

  "The landslide in this disaster was large in size, the weather was cold at the site, and the continuous rain and snow caused slippery roads and narrow working surfaces, all of which increased the difficulty of rescue." Feng Guangkun said that this rescue mission was more difficult than any he had ever participated in before. Be complicated and dangerous.

  At 14:50 on the 23rd, good news came from the "1·22" landslide disaster response headquarters in Zhenxiong County - the search and rescue team made contact with 3 of the original 47 missing people, who were out at the time of the incident Not contacted.

  "The number of missing people has decreased, which is encouraging news." Feng Guangkun said that even if there is only a glimmer of hope, they will persist in the rescue to the end.

  At the temporary settlement site at the old campus of Heping Primary School, volunteers wearing red vests were carrying relief supplies with the affected villagers.

Some people boiled water for cooking, and the jumping flames and rising vapor dispersed the severe cold outside.

  Volunteer Hu Jing is a college student from the village group next door who is on vacation at home.

She told reporters that Liangshui Village is a mixed village of Han, Yi and Miao people, and people of all ethnic groups are usually as close as one family.

"I rushed to help as soon as I heard about the disaster. If my hometown is in trouble, I must provide support."

On January 23, rescue workers were at the landslide search and rescue site in Liangshui Village, Tangfang Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province.

Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

  At present, more than 1,000 people from provincial, municipal and county rescue forces have gathered here for a common goal - rescue.

  At 17:40 on the 23rd, news came again from the headquarters that 31 missing people had been rescued, and none of them had vital signs.

  It is getting late, and many professional search and rescue teams are still using technical means such as radar life detectors, audio and video detectors, drones, and search and rescue dogs to carry out search and rescue operations.

  "Under the premise of ensuring safety, we are ready to continue the search and rescue mission at night and strive to create a miracle of life within the 'golden 72 hours'!" Tang Hongjun, general manager of the First Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. of China Aneng Group, who participated in the rescue, dressed in red "Yi", every word is sonorous and powerful.
