Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-00:21

The Government's project to reverse the poor educational results in Spain, whose PISA scores have been the worst in our historical series, contains positive measures, but errs in a substantial aspect.

Although the president has announced that he will reinforce Language and Mathematics, which is a success, the change is insufficient: the

ideologized vision of teaching

, expressed in emotivist currents that have proven harmful, continues to permeate politics.

Government education.

It is in this direction that the project of granting an economic supplement to teachers who promote Lomloe methodologies is framed, such as

the "socio-affective" approach in Mathematics


Insisting on the errors of a law approved in 2020 without the support of the opposition or a large part of the educational community raises fears that many of the problems that prevent students from advancing will continue to be present and will even be enhanced.

Several countries are already abandoning their commitment to project-based learning and the acquisition of skills, to the detriment of content and knowledge.

It is a highly questioned philosophy that leads to downplaying merit, excellence and critical thinking, which are the best tools so that all students - especially the most disadvantaged - can aspire to a better future.

President Sánchez's announcement, which includes an investment of at least 500 million euros, in any case presents notable progress.

Promoting support classes during non-teaching hours and dividing classrooms so that students can continue learning at a different pace, as well as increasing the training of Primary teachers and reforming the teaching career are proposals that are going in the right direction.

Specifically, the absence of a professional career is an anomaly that urgently needs to be addressed, since teachers hardly have the opportunity to progress.

The solution is to establish incentives that are capable of attracting talent, as is the case in other countries.

In Spain,

No government has been able to do so due to the rejection of the unions.

, who refuse to let educators be evaluated.

All of this will require, in any case, the impetus of the autonomous communities.

Therefore, any project based on dogmatic assumptions and that does not have the support of the competent administrations - the majority, in the hands of the PP - will be a toast to the sun.

The succession of laws and supposed pedagogical innovations that turn out to be counterproductive has caused damage that can only be solved with a coherent and

a State pact that has a great consensus

political and social.

The education crisis in Spain requires a profound reform and not a patch.


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