Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-08:22

  • MomenTVs The catharsis of Jenni Hermoso with Jesús Calleja: "I have never openly said that I like girls"

Where we see him so affable, so forward, the reality of

Carlos Sobera

is very different.

The man from Barakaldo doesn't like strong emotions one bit.

He is, in the words of

Jesús Calleja

, "a cagueta."

So stupid that when he accepted the adventurer's challenge to go to

Planeta Calleja


Carlos Sobera

only accepted with one condition: he would go if his wife


went with him.



had no choice but to accept.

It would not be the only condition nor the only refusal of the presenter of

First Dates

, since rarely on

Planeta Calleja

has a guest forced the program to change the plans and structure of the trip due to panic.

Carlos Sobera

did it.

The idea of ​​going to

Planeta Calleja

was none other than trying to get

Carlos Sobera

to overcome his fears.

He is afraid of everything: heights, water - he doesn't know how to swim, but he can dive -, devices that move more than two centimeters, unexpected movements... "For him, riding his bike around Casa de Campo "It's an extreme sport," his wife warned at the beginning of the program.

And he didn't cheat.


Planet Calleja.

The catharsis of Jenni Hermoso with Jesús Calleja: "I have never openly said that I like girls"

  • Editorial: ESTHER MUCIENTES Madrid

The catharsis of Jenni Hermoso with Jesús Calleja: "I have never openly said that I like girls"

Jesús Calleja

, aware that with

Carlos Sobera

he would not be able to go climbing, paragliding, or risk much, organized him a, let's say,


trip .

It is true that if the intention of

Calleja and



was to try to overcome their fears, they would have to face some, but they were all a walk in the clouds compared to other

Planeta Calleja

installments that other guests have faced.

It didn't help much.

Carlos Sobera

said no and no.

"When you are afraid, I have been told that you lose your affable character and lose control,"


told him at the beginning of the program.

"Well... I swear a lot," Carlos Sobera admitted with a small mouth.

Indeed, when fear takes over

Carlos Sobera

, the presenter stops being the presenter we all know and becomes a kind of scary Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Like a cowed animal that all it wants is to escape from terror, run forward, flee.

It must be recognized that

Carlos Sobera


Jesús Calleja

took him to Montenegro to live six experiences: riding a boat, going on a cable car, rafting, doing a slight mountain route with an electric bike, riding a horse and going on a chairlift to fly over one of the great mountains of the region. country.

Out of six he got four.

It's not bad at all.

But there were two that he couldn't handle.

In the first he ended up on the ground and in the second he made the entire team have to descend for more than two hours due to his refusal to repeat the experience.

I don't know if

Carlos Sobera

ended up overcoming his fears, but enjoying what he says he didn't do is as true as a temple.

Already in the first experience of the trip, which was none other than getting on a boat to cross to the town of Perast,

Carlos Sobera

was reluctant, although he ended up accepting.

He managed to overcome the first of his fears of the movement of the boat and the water.

Already in Perast, sitting quietly in a restaurant, enjoying a cake and the sun that was shining when the program was recorded,


returned to being the


that we all know.

It was there where the theater presenter and producer spoke about his childhood in Barakaldo, about the depression he suffered when he was 8 or 9 years old due to the sadness that the city produced in him.

"The Barakaldo of the 60s was gray. I had some symptoms of depression when I was 8 and 9 years old from being there. I have the soul of a poet and I value beauty a lot and Barakaldo was not pretty then,"


revealed .

In addition, he also told what he was like at school and that his professional beginnings were as a teacher: "When I was little I had some comprehension problems. Does the thing about the lyrics with blood coming in sound familiar to you? Well, that's it. At school they shook me. I studied in the Paúles de Barakaldo and then with the Jesuits of Deusto I studied Law.

I never practiced as a lawyer, but I was a teacher


He was a "very cool" teacher, although "he was a bit of a bastard with the exams."

His passion for theater, acting, and the public arose in school when he started a theater club.

There he realized that he was fascinated by contact with people and made a decision: he stopped being a teacher to dedicate himself to the world of show business and entertainment.

"When I told my mother, her phrase was: 'But son, what are you going to do?' Now, at 96 years old, she is very proud," said the presenter.

Sobera's anger with Isabel Pantoja

And after a moment of rest and peace came the second test: going up by cable car to the sanctuary that is considered to be located at the highest altitude in Europe.

The water thing, okay, but the height thing... It was the first moment in which

Carlos Sobera

lost control.

Yes, he swore, he had already warned him, and he even asked

Jesús Calleja

to shut up.

"He's really screwed,"


said .

Sobera's face was, indeed, one of having a hard time.

But he came, he did it.

Just like in the third test - it looked more and more like The Twelve Tests of Asterix -.

Calleja prepared a rafting descent for him.

This time

Carlos Sobera

really enjoyed it.

He liked the rapids, although it must be said that he had to end up with his right hand bloodied from so much force with which he grabbed the safety rope of the boat.

I think he rowed three times, the rest was just holding on and shouting "hey, little bull, hey!".

But things began to get complicated after the second talk of the program.


Carlos Sobera was calm, chatting, answering

Jesús Calleja

's questions

, everything was fantastic.

In fact, the presenter dared to answer which of all the

reality shows

he had presented was the one he liked the most and which famous person he had had his hand in and his least with.

To the first he responded that


, to the second...

Isabel Pantoja



"When I get angry, I get very angry. I got a little angry with

Isabel Pantoja

and then she got angry with me. I did the program on Tuesdays and when I got to the set the director told me that

Isabel Pantoja

wanted to leave and I had to convince her and I had to give him the candle,"




However, of all the programs that she has done and that she does, which are not few, the favorite was Volverte a verte.

"Faith is the one I liked the most, although it was a very hard program because they were very strong stories."

Strong what was going to come next.

Although Patricia had warned

Jesús Calleja

that for

Carlos Sobera

riding a bike was an extreme sport,


prepared a mountain route for him - everything must be said, very mild - with an electric bike.

He had barely gotten on the bike when a wasp stung



It hurt him, it stung him and on top of that he became obsessed with the fact that it might not be a wasp but rather a native bug, you know.

She already started with problems.

It was very difficult for him to control the direction of the bicycle and to that he had to add that his leg hurt from the bite.

As long as the road was flat, everything was fine, but when the route started to get a little complicated... It was over.

She tried, stopped several times and tried again and again.

He even made


hold him by the back of the bike, but it was impossible.

Carlos Sobera

was really scared.

And just as

Jesús Calleja

told him before starting the route, if he was thinking all the time that he was going to give it to him, it would happen in the end, and it did.

The presenter took a big hit with the bike and


had to change plans: he would arrive at the lake where the finish line was on a bike and

Carlos Sobera

riding bike in hand.

And there at the lake,


took advantage of the fact that


had to come no matter what to talk about the beginnings of their relationship and their most difficult moments.

And, again, Sobera, now calm and once again under control, said that his thing was a crush.

Very different from what Patricia felt, that she couldn't stand

Carlos Sobera

until she met him.

The couple recounted some of the most complicated moments they have experienced, for

health problems.

Especially for


, who suffered a


in 2019: "I thought about her, that we had to

Do everything possible for her


And then I thought, how could she die, what a bitch she is.

She was like a tremendous cesspool," confessed the presenter, who also had a hard time due to a fistula: "she became infected and

caused me to have the beginning of gangrene.

She felt tremendous pain, but we Basques put up with everything. "Well, everything, everything... Everything except what

Jesús Calleja

gives you ."

Carlos Sobera's panic

The last test was the chairlift and that's when I know everything got out of control.

Carlos Sobera

had a really bad time.

If in the previous ones he was "screwed" in this one he was very screwed.

"Do you think this was necessary?" the presenter said over and over again to


as they went up.

"It is not necessary, it is not important, it is not relevant, but I think we must have the aspect of daring,"


replied .

"Look at the appearance of the two 'chickens' that are going to take us (...) I will never get involved in this again in my fucking life," said


, terrified.

And to top it off,


asked him if he was religious and his relationship with death.

You have to keep them square... "Before it overwhelmed me," Sobera

told him

that he couldn't articulate many more words.

Upon arriving and having to return,


stood up.

"I'm not going down the cable car. I've already gone up, I'm not going down anymore

. Don't touch my nose!

Don't tell me there is no other alternative



warned Calleja very angrily

that he kept insisting.

"People will say that we are doing a little theater, but, no, it's true. It doesn't go down, it's screwed," warned the adventurer who even tried to cut his toenails by biting them because the presenter said that they hurt when going down.

And in the end everyone walks.

"The whole team is going down a path, the woman is suffering and the other guy has now gotten over his displeasure and has started singing, and he's going to give us a hard time for 2 hours and a half or three. We'll probably

get caught out." night, because he didn't overcome the fear of going down

. He did us a favor!"


concluded , hallucinating the guest.

Because if there is something that

Carlos Sobera

showed last night , it is that he has things very clear and jumping through certain hoops is not for him.

"I envision that they will retire me," he told


at one point in the program when he asked him about his retirement -


is now 63 years old.

"The same thing happens to me like Karlos Arguiñano, but the normal thing is that they tell you 'you have been very good but there is someone better'. I love television, but the day I have to leave it I have other things: I have a family, I have the theater and "I have a mind that leads me to think about other things."