
CAN 2024: “The result was catastrophic, I am primarily responsible for it” says Jean-Louis Gasset

After the heavy defeat inflicted on Ivory Coast by Equatorial Guinea 4 to 0, the coach of the Elephants Jean-Louis Gasset, affirmed to take his share of responsibilities following this debacle even if he struggles to explain the progress of this match to the “

disaster scenario


Ivory Coast coach Jean-Louis Gasset during the match lost 4-0 against Equatorial Guinea on January 22, 2024 at the Alassane-Ouattara stadium in Ebimpé.


By: Pierre Fesnien Follow


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From our special correspondent at the Alassane Ouattara stadium,

You seemed to have the match in hand and yet Côte d'Ivoire ended up sinking.

How do you explain it?

In life, there are sometimes nightmare matches and matches where everything seems to be stacked against you.

We concede a goal one minute before half-time on the opponent's only opportunity.

We had control of the game, we had chances, we had opportunities and we went into the locker room trailing 1-0.

In the second half, it's the same scenario, we are dominant, the chances arrive and goals are scored and refused.

This is called a disaster scenario.

A quarter of an hour later, a free kick and a goal as we laid siege to their defense.

We came across a very realistic team.

Also read: CAN 2024 calendar and results

You can still qualify but it would be a miracle.

Do you still believe it?

We have three points.

We won a match, the four best third places are qualified so we will hope... But when we wait for the results of the others, it is not a good sign.

You had chances, two goals were disallowed for offside, your team lacked realism.

Do you think that your players really gave everything in these last two matches?

In the finishing, we have a problem of efficiency.

We had it the previous match against Nigeria.

I told you that if we had opened the score, it would not have been the same match at all and today it's the same speech.

In 180 minutes, we didn't score a goal and yet we tried to put even more attackers on the pitch to come back to the score.

And even when we scored goals, they were offside, it looked like there was something against us...

Beyond this finishing problem, what do you think went wrong today?

This is a difficult question.

I don't think it's a mindset issue.

Frankly, when I see the players in the locker room crying, it hurts me because when you are in charge of a team, you are the one who takes responsibility for making this team and making changes.

I think we gave everything... I found my players very tired.

But when you have a scenario like that that's close to a nightmare, there's not much to say or do.

Do you feel personally responsible for the defeat?

Obviously, I feel guilty and responsible.

When you are the coach of a club or a team, you are responsible for the results.

Today the result was catastrophic, so of course I am primarily responsible.

Read alsoCAN 2024: Equatorial Guinea-Ivory Coast, relive the rout of the Elephants

Ivory Coast is in an unfavorable tie and could be eliminated.

If so, are you planning to resign?

We will return to the hotel with the president of the federation, I will have a discussion with him and we will let you know what has been decided.

We felt your players give up after the second goal, they seemed very mentally affected…

I also felt that the second goal was a blow.

They wanted so much, gave so much... Ivory Coast has good players, the pressure was very high for them.

They have extreme motivation and perhaps in the face of headwinds, we gave up a little too quickly.


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